One Overwatch 2 player revealed the power of Reinhardt when they racked up multiple Charge eliminations during a single fight in Battle for Olympus. While players have been using Reinhardt’s abilities in the Overwatch series to significant effect for years, the buffs given to him in this new limited-time game mode make him a frightening force when allowed to run amok.

Battle for Olympus is Overwatch 2’s latest LTM, which shakes up the regular gameplay players have come to expect from the hero shooter. The game mode is a free-for-all and features seven Overwatch 2 heroes with skins themed around Greek mythology. In addition to the Greek mythology skins, each character gets an upgrade to their kits, making them more powerful. For example, Reinhardt receives a new divine ultimate called Divine Earthshatter, a powerup that lasts for 20 seconds and grants him a number of new effects, such as allowing him to pin 3 targets at once, among other things.

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In a post on Reddit, a user known as Artbringer shared a clip from their time playing the new Battle for Olympus game mode in Overwatch 2. Specifically, the video featured a Play of the Game in which the user managed to get several consecutive eliminations as Reinhardt by using his Charge ability while the Divine Earthshatter was active.

The highlight, which took place on the Colosseo map in Overwatch 2, began with Artbringer simultaneously pinning both a Junker Queen and Lucio while using Divine Earthshatter. After picking up a double kill on the two unfortunate opponents, the Reddit user focused their attention on a nearby Ramattra, charging them into a wall as well. The highlight came to a crescendo when Artbringing managed to get yet another kill after charging an enemy Reinhardt into a wall.

When posting the clip to Reddit, Artbringer, whose in-game name was fittingly TotalHavok95, humorously wrote, “Head empty, no thoughts, only Rein charge.” Since sharing the clip on the platform, a number of Overwatch 2 players have taken notice and commented on the chaotic play. Among the comments, one gamer noted that while playing as Reinhardt in Battle for Olympus is not always easy, it was a “great feeling” when they could go on a charging spree in the LTM. Furthermore, one user pointed out that Artbringer even had the highlight intro that featured Reinhardt charging toward the camera, making the video even more appropriate.

It will be interesting to see what other highlights players capture while playing Battle for Olympus in Overwatch 2 in the coming days. However, it is worth pointing out that the event runs through January 19, meaning gamers need to check out the game mode soon if they want to experience Reinhardt’s Divine Earthshatter.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Overwatch 2’s Battle For Olympus Event is Unlike Anything Else in The Game