With Overwatch 2's post-launch content, there will be plenty of opportunities to shift the narratives of key characters. The lore of the wider franchise is massively important for contextualizing the gameplay itself, and this post-launch content is the perfect way to push specific storylines of certain characters forward.

Overwatch 2 recently celebrated the launch of its second in-game season, a season that brought with it a brand-new tank hero named Ramattra. Despite the unique combat roles that this new hero possesses, his presence as a high-ranking Omnic leader could foster the potential for other Omnics such as Bastion and Zenyatta to undergo fascinating shifts in character.

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The Background of Overwatch 2's Ramattra


When discussing the background of Overwatch 2's Ramattra, it's important to understand the background of the Omnics in the Overwatch universe. Omnics are robotic forms of artificial intelligence that saw usage around the globe, eventually playing a role of widespread subservience to the human race in everyday life. Given the sentience of these beings and the relatively unchecked manner in which they were being produced, Omnics eventually rose up against mankind in what was a longstanding and devastating global conflict.

Ramattra is an example of an Omnic absolutist, with the new hero being the leader of Null Sector, an extremist group of Omnics who aim to achieve utter freedom for their own kind by any means necessary. Ramattra can be said to be the most extreme of any Omnic available on Overwatch 2's playable roster, with the only two other outright Omnics being Zenyatta and Bastion. While these two other heroes have long been typified for their peaceful temperaments, the introduction of Ramattra could very well change this in the franchise's future.

How Ramattra Could Influence Zenyatta and Bastion

Overwatch 2 Omnics

Both Zenyatta and Bastion are veteran heroes of the Overwatch franchise, with the two being part of the first twelve heroes to launch with the original 2016 title. With the two characters being support and damage heroes respectively, Overwatch 2 finally has an Omnic for each of the three combat roles that players can choose from.

Zenyatta was a member of the Shambali, a monk-like group of Omnics who believe in peace and tranquility due to the shared spirituality of sentience that both Omnics and humans possess. A peaceful organization, Zenyatta actually developed an extremely close bond to Ramattra within the Shambali, with the tank hero being a part of the group prior to becoming disillusioned and turning to more violent methods.

Bastion, on the other hand, is a single unit out of thousands of others, all of which were originally developed by humans for peacekeeping purposes before being controlled by Omnic forces. After laying dormant for some time, Bastion reactivated without his Omnic programming, reaching a level of autonomy that no other known Bastion unit possesses.

While Zenyatta is known for his mental fortitude and understanding, the close relationship he shares with Ramattra could see the support hero take a darker turn in future narratives. Even if only for a seasonal event with less canonicity, fans would be more than interested in seeing a more sinister side to the peaceful hero. Meanwhile, Bastion is also known as a cutesy and carefree Omnic who is free of his prior programming. The power and intellect that Ramattra possesses could easily be used to once again take control of Bastion's decision-making, reverting the hero to his prior state of servitude. With the ever-shifting nature of Overwatch 2's lore, it would be fascinating to see a darker side to both Zenyatta and Bastion thanks to the recent introduction of Ramattra to the series.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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