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Overwatch 2 Season 2 has begun, bringing a new Battle Pass, new map, and new Hero to Blizzard's popular hero-shooter. The latest arrival to the Overwatch 2 roster is Ramattra, a Tank Hero with an unusual kit and a dark past.

Ramattra is leader of the Null Sector omnics, a militant liberation group that are willing to use any methods to achieve omnic rights. As a robotic omnic, Ramattra has the ability to switch between two different Forms, one built for long-range, poking combat, and the other a close-range brawler. For those eager to try their hand at playing the new hero, here's everything they need to know.

Ramattra's Playstyle in Overwatch 2

overwatch 2 ramattra unlock

Ramattra has been described by Blizzard as the first "Tempo Tank," due to his ability to switch between his Omnic and Nemesis Forms. In his Omnic Form, Ramattra is a long-range poking Tank. He deals damage from any distance with his zero fall-off Void Accelerator, and protects his team with his Void Barrier. In Nemesis Form, he turns into a close-range brawler. Nemesis Ramattra uses his Pummel attack to deal AoE damage that pierces Barriers, and reduces incoming damage with his Block.

Regardless of which Form he is in, Ramattra always has access to his Ravenous Vortex Ability, which can damage and slow enemies within the radius, as well as pull airborne targets to the ground. This gives Ramattra a limited ability to gather enemies together for his Ultimate, Annihilation. Annihilation is an area denial Ultimate that deals light but steady damage to all enemies within a wide radius, and can run indefinitely as long as it's dealing damage.

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Ramattra's Abilities in Overwatch 2


Omnic Form Abilities

  • Void Accelerator: Ramattra's primary weapon in his Omnic Form is the Void Accelerator, a staff capable of sending out a stream of rapid-fire projectiles. The Void Accelerator deals good damage and has zero fall-off, meaning it can be used to poke targets at any range. Although its projectiles aren't as fast as Sojourn's primary weapon in Overwatch 2, they are much faster than Lucio or Genji's primary weapons. At close-range, the Void Accelerator functions almost like the beam weapons of Heroes like Symettra or Zarya.
  • Void Barrier: Ramattra's other unique Omnic Form Ability is the Void Barrier, a tough Barrier with a short duration and long cooldown. Compared to other Tank Barriers in Overwatch 2, like Winston's Projector or Sigma's Experimental Barrier, the Void Barrier can be tricky to use. Not only is it quite small compared to other Barriers, it also comes with a shorter duration and a longer cooldown. This means Ramattra players will need to be very careful with their timing and placement, using the Void Barrier to save themselves or a teammate rather than form a defensive position.

Nemesis Form Abilities

  • Nemesis Form: Ramattra's most important Ability is Nemesis Form, allowing him to transform into his tougher, stronger, brawly-er Nemesis body for 8 seconds, with an 8-second cooldown. As well as changing his primary and secondary Abilities, Nemesis also grants Ramattra 150 Armor, helping to keep him alive as he pushes into melee range.
  • Pummel is Ramattra's primary fire in Nemesis Form, which allows him to throw energy-charged punches that extend to 12 meters in front of him, piercing both enemy Heroes and their Barriers. Pummel is excellent for taking down over-extended or close-range Supports like Moira or Kiriko, particularly as it can continue damaging them even as they hide behind Tanks or Barriers. It can also be very good at dealing with diving DPS Heroes, with its wide attack making it easier to target nimble Heroes like Genji or Tracer.
  • Block is Ramattra's second Ability in his Nemesis Form, which he can use at-will to raise his secondary arms and reduce incoming damage by 75%. While this is an effective defensive tool, it only protects against damage from the front, and slows Ramattra by 50% while it's active.

Ravenous Vortex

The only Ability shared between Ramattra's two Forms is Ravenous Vortex, which is thrown like a grenade and triggers when it hits the ground. This creates a 4-meter radius which damages and slows, but also pulls down enemy Heroes from up to 9 meters in the air.


Ramattra's Ultimate Ability in Overwatch 2 is Annihilation, which both activates his Nemesis Form and surrounds him with an 11-meter ring of energy that deals low but steady damage to all enemy Heroes caught within. While Annihilation only lasts for 3 seconds, its duration will be paused whenever there is at least 1 enemy Hero in the radius. This means that Ramattra can sustain both the Ultimate and his Nemesis Form for as long as he can stay on top of enemy Heroes.

With a Support Hero to keep him alive, Ramattra's Annihilation can be a devastating tool against bunched up enemy teams in close quarters, dealing huge amounts of damage as Ramattra picks off weakened targets one-by-one with Pummel.

Ramattra Tips & Tricks in Overwatch 2

overwatch 2 ramattra staff

Due to his relatively low HP for a Tank Hero in Overwatch 2, Ramattra players have to be extra careful in deciding when to dive and when to hold back. While Nemesis Form does add an extra 150 Armor, Ramattra is still dangerously easy to burst down with focus fire. To mitigate this weakness, Ramattra really benefits from being "pocketed" by an Overwatch 2 Support with good burst healing. Good characters for this technique include Baptiste, Mercy, or Ana. With a Support keeping him healthy, Ramattra can punish over-extended enemy Supports and DPS Heroes with his powerful Pummel attack. Pummel's slight AoE and ability to penetrate both Barriers and Heroes makes it ideal for forcing back bunched-up groups, wounding Supports even if their Tank is in the way.

Ramattra's Void Barrier, unique to his Omnic Form, has a low duration and long cooldown compared to most Barrier Abilities in Overwatch 2. Players coming from Tank Heroes like Sigma may be tempted to use the Void Barrier at the start of a fight to protect their allies from initial damage. However, Void Barrier's low duration actually makes it more effective as a saving tool, like Kiriko's Suzu or Baptiste's Immortality Field. Players will always focus on finishing-off low health Heroes, and a well-placed Void Barrier can protect a struggling Support or DPS. This can give that teammate the precious seconds to reach cover, activate an Ability, or get healed.

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Ramattra Combos in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Tracer character pose on left, Echo, Brigitte, Mercy, and Winston in middle, Lucio character pose on right

Ramattra + Lucio

Ramattra's Nemesis Form is a close-range brawler without a gap-closer, and his Annihilation Ultimate can be countered by simply running outside its range for three seconds. Because of this, Ramattra benefits hugely from Lucio's speed boost. It allows him to get close enough to Pummel, and keep enemy Heroes trapped in his Annihilation for as long as possible.

Ramattra + Sojourn

Blizzard significantly toned down the amount of crowd control in the game between Overwatch 1 and Overwatch 2, removing many stuns and slows. This is bad news for Ramattra's Nemesis Form, which relies on being able to close the distance with fleeing Heroes. Fortunately, the slow of his Ravenous Vortex stacks with Sojourn's Disruptor Shot, allowing the combo to slow enemies to a crawl in chokepoints, making them extremely vulnerable to Pummel or Railgun.

Ramattra + Mercy

Ramattra benefits more than most other tanks from having a dedicated Support watching his back, and there's no better Support for the job than Mercy. Not only will Mercy's steady healing keep Ramattra in the fight, but her damage boost works well with his pseudo-DPS Nemesis Form and his multi-target Annihilation.

Ramattra + Widowmaker

Like many of the brawling Tanks in Overwatch 2, Ramattra makes a good team with Widowmaker. His Nemesis Form can easily draw focus, allowing Widowmaker to pick off Heroes slowed by the Ravenous Vortex or weakened by Ramattra's attacks. In Omnic Form, Ramattra's Void Barrier will give Widowmaker the few seconds of protection she may need to snipe a rival DPS without being targeted.

Ramattra + Kiriko

Ramattra is easily burned down by focused fire from the enemy team, particularly when combined with anti-healing debuffs like Ana's Biotic Grenade. Fortunately, new Overwatch 2 Hero Kiriko can both protect him from burst damage and cleanse the Biotic Grenade debuff using her Suzu, allowing Ramattra to use his Nemesis Form aggressively with less fear of being overwhelmed.

Ramattra's Counters & Advantages in Overwatch 2

Ramattra Counters and Weaknesses Guide

Opponents To Watch Out For

As a "Tempo Tank" Ramattra's strength and weaknesses are mostly dictated by his Form. However, some Heroes are able to counter him regardless of Omnic or Nemesis. His reliance on Support Heroes makes him an easy target for Roadhog, the most self-reliant Hero. Roadhog can easily Hook and kill Ramattra's Supports, leaving him vulnerable. Similarly, the all-important healing that Ramattra needs to stay alive while charging in Nemesis Form can be blocked completely by a well-placed Biotic Grenade from Ana.

When it comes to DPS Heroes in Overwatch 2, Ramattra's Void Barrier just isn't big or long-lasting enough to discourage a distant Widowmaker. His prominent head and comparatively low HP pool make him an easy target for her rifle. At close range, Reaper maintains his reputation as the premier Tank-killerOverwatch 2. Meanwhile, Tracer can evade the Ravenous Vortex with her Blink, and deal full damage to Ramattra's rear while he's using Block.

Enemies Ramattra Can Take Down

On the other hand, Ramattra is particularly strong against Heroes that rely on personal Barriers for protection, like Reinhardt or Brigitte, as his Pummel can pass directly through them. Although he has less HP than Reinhardt, his Pummel has twice the range and deals 10% more damage per second. It can also pass through Reinhardt's Barrier to kill any Support Heroes sheltering behind, while Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer will not have the same luck against Ramattra's Block. Similarly, Pummel can pass through every defensive Ability that Sigma possesses. Ramattra's Void Accelerator can also deal significant damage from beyond Sigma's maximum range.

Finally, Ramattra's Ravenous Vortex can completely negate the agility of some Heroes. While Ravenous Vortex seems to be designed to target flying Heroes like Pharah, Mercy, and Echo, it only reaches 9 meters into the air, which is often not enough to catch them. However, it can also be used to pull down and slow climbing and wall-riding Heroes like Kiriko and Lucio, who become extremely vulnerable to Nemesis Form once their superior agility has been negated.

Overwatch 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.