An Overwatch 2 player shared a recent screenshot on Reddit showing their endorsement level dropping despite receiving three votes at the end of their latest match. Overwatch 2 has been available for over two months, but its endorsement system is still shrouded in mystery.

Just like its 2016’s predecessor, Overwatch 2 heavily relies on team play. The synergy of each group of five is key to winning fights, and in-game communications give precious information that can make or break games. At the end of each match, players can commend their teammates through the endorsement system, voting for those they deemed most helpful. This system rewards players with a positive impact, offering more incentive to be respectful during Overwatch 2 games.

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However, this endorsement system seems to have various flaws. Reddit user Ikanan_xiii shared a screenshot from their latest Overwatch 2 match, where they received the endorsement votes of three of their teammates. Despite being commended by all but one of their allies, their Overwatch 2 endorsement level dropped from 3 to 2, raising questions as to how this system works.

Reddit users commented on this post, sharing similar experiences with Overwatch 2’s endorsement system. Some complained about being stuck at endorsement level 3, despite receiving many votes during their matches. Others deemed the system broken as friends cannot endorse each other, preventing people playing with premade groups from reaching higher endorsement levels in Overwatch 2.

While endorsement levels don’t have a large impact in Overwatch 2, they are supposed to reflect how a player is perceived by their teammates. Endorsement levels range from 1 to 5, with each individual recommendation slightly increasing the overall endorsement level of a player. Whenever they stop receiving endorsements for a long period of time or if they are reported too many times in Overwatch 2, players may lose their endorsement levels and drop from one tier to the other. As soon as they get new endorsement votes, their level may rise up once more.

Blizzard occasionally rewards players with extra Overwatch 2 Battle Pass XP based on their current endorsement level, granting a slight bonus to those who often have a positive impact during their matches. However, the exact formula explaining how endorsement levels work is a mystery that Blizzard never revealed. Players regularly go from one endorsement level to another, without further explanation from Overwatch 2. The exact timing of when Blizzard grants endorsement rewards and what this bonus entails are also blurry, as there are no fixed rewards per endorsement level nor a specific schedule to receive these benefits.

Overwatch 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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