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Lots of players can say they've given Pharah a spin in Overwatch 2. Even when played badly, she does a good chunk of damage and has a fun ultimate. Yet she has a very low win rate because playing her badly can aggressively ruin the team's odds of winning.

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Pharah can be a floating target for enemies to practice with in Overwatch 2. And she can bounce enemies to safety if she's not careful. With some practice and tips, Pharah can still be a fantastic asset to her squad. A master will learn to master both the DPS leaderboards and the win charts.


Overwatch 2 Pharah On A Kill Streak

Pharah's playstyle is somewhat simple; get to the skies and deal damage from above. She can't stay aerial forever and will need to return to the ground every few seconds. Therefore, Pharah should rarely be positioned directly over her targets as she will slowly descend upon them.

However, this doesn't mean she can't target the backline combatants with her superior field of vision. As one of the best DPS heroes in the game, she should be shooting rockets frequently and focused on charging her ultimate ability.


Overwatch 2 Pharah Using Ultimate On Group

Rocket Launcher

  • Long-range explosive projectile weapon.

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Most of Pharah's time should be spent firing rockets. One lucky shot is all it takes to bring down opponents. Fire them at the mass of enemy bodies for some great area damage and a quick way to charge the ultimate or at the backlines against the most delicate members of the opposition.

Concussive Blast

  • Launch an explosive blast to knock enemies back.

There are some amazing tank heroes, but even they can get killed in one hit if they get bumped off of a ledge. Concussive blast, fired at the right locations, shifts safe enemies into the vision of target-hungry allies. And Pharah herself, of course.

Jump Jet

  • Fly rapidly upwards.

Pharah should be shooting from the skies whenever she can. Barring enemy heroes that can easily take out flying targets, Jump Jet will get Pharah to locations above the battlefield, creating a perfect overview of where to land her rockets.

Hover Jets

  • Hold jump to descend slightly.

Pharah will descend rapidly unless she uses her Hover Jets. This regenerates fuel over time, enabling Pharah to spend most of her time in flight. By the time she lands, with thanks to Hover Jets, herJet Jump should be nearly recharged, enabling Pharah to do another round of rockets from above.


  • Launch a continuous volley of mini-rockets.

As one of the most deadly moves in the game, if enemies don't move, they'll be dead within seconds if Barrage is aimed at them. It can be interrupted and will hold Pharah in place in midair, but the benefits of wiping out a team make the hazards worth the risk.

Tips & Tricks

Overwatch 2 Pharah Shooting At A Group Of Enemies

Players who are new to the franchise will need to learn how to use Concussive Blast in a positive way. Often, new players bump enemies out of danger instead of into it. Use it up close to get dangerous foes back or behind enemy lines in a fight.

Pharah's ultimate should ideally kill two or more heroes. It charges quickly when firing rockets at the recommended rate, but it also feels bad to waste. Partner up with a teammate or wait for an opportune time. Allies are all too happy to get Pharah the shot she needs with it.


Overwatch 2 Pharah Teaming Up For A Kill
  • Zarya

Zarya's ultimate holds entire teams in place and pulls them to a single location. Not many heroes can use this advantage as well as Pharah, who can get a team kill in the blink of an eye when both ultimates stack up.

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  • Mercy

The Mercy and Pharah flying duo was annoying before and made people want to destroy their game, but it is now game-breaking in Overwatch 2. With one fewer tank, support heroes can be pocket healers for a teammate. Giving Pharah extra damage makes those rockets all the more deadly.

  • Mei

If there is any knock against Pharah, it's that her rockets can be dodged by most of the pro players who see them coming. But with a Mei in the mix, enemies are too slow to dodge. Focus attacks on her targets for some quick kills. Tack on how Mei's ultimate freezes enemies in place and this is a lethal combo.

  • Zenyatta

If the team can't afford a pocket healer Mercy, they certainly can afford a standard healer. Zenyatta will almost always have a clear view to see Pharah and cast a healing orb on her. Watch for an Orb of Discord and focus rockets on the recipient for extra deadliness.

  • Ashe

If Ashe has any downfall with her ultimate, it's that opponents can move around the cover and to safety. However, this funnels them into tight spots that Pharah can shoot into. Additionally, Pharah can toss a Concussive Blast and bounce enemies back into danger.

Advantages & Counters

Overwatch 2 Pharah Strength And Weakness

Pharah delivers strong counters to some heroes. Ground-bound opponents who have little to no means of hitting aerial targets are simply at her mercy. Even some with good mobility, such as Lucio or Reaper, aren't very effective as Pharah's got the positioning to see where they are going and lead the shots.

The tradeoff is that Pharah is also hard-countered by certain heroes. Zenyatta isn't just one of the best support units in the game due to his ultimate, he can throw an Orb of Discord on her from any range and sniper her down with some quick shots. Bastion, Soldier: 76, Cassidy, and talented snipers will also be able to take her down from the skies. Roadhog can do this quite literally as all it takes is one hook and she's done for.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.