Overwatch 2 has a unique and diverse roster of characters spread across three different roles - Tank, DPS, and Support. Each character within these roles has a unique ability kit that defines their playstyle and enables them to synergize with other Heroes to create synergy within a team composition.

The eighteenth addition to the Overwatch 2 DPS roster and the 40th Hero addition overall is a drill-wielding character known as Venture. First being playable as part of a tester weekend between March 28, 2024, and 31 March, 2024, and being fully released at the launch of Overwatch 2's season 10, Venture has a very mobile and close-ranged style approach, which makes learning their abilities, synergies, and counterpicks significantly important.

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Overwatch 2 Venture: Hero Kit & Abilities, Explained

venture kit

Primary Weapon

  • Smart Excavator: Launch a seismic charge that bursts after a short distance.


  • Burrow: Move underground and become invulnerable. Emerge to deal damage.
  • Drill Dash: Dash forward, pushing enemies back.

Ultimate Ability

  • Tectonic Shock: Send out damaging shockwaves.


  • Clobber: Quick melee deals more damage.
  • Explorer's Resolve: Using abilities grants temporary shields.

Overwatch 2 Venture: Playstyle Tips

venture gameplay

Due to the nature of Venture's abilities, they operate effectively in close-range combat. For this reason, you'll need to be clever about when you choose to engage and keep your surroundings and cooldowns in mind for each team fight to ensure survivability. As Venture is invulnerable to damage when using their Burrow ability, this is the perfect tool for retreating out of combat once you've dealt some damage or achieved a pick, enabling you to reposition.

In addition to this, Venture's Drill Dash can be used to achieve vertical mobility, which can enable Venture to reach high ground with ease. Pairing both Burrow and Drill Dash in quick succession not only gives Venture some very strong movement but also enables them to focus fire on targets. As Venture has a kit that enables them to thrive in 1v1 matchups against many Heroes in the Overwatch 2 roster, particularly Supports and low mobility targets, this approach can be highly rewarding as long as you keep an eye on how your team is playing around you and know when to back out.

Drill Dash can be used to push enemies away from one another, off ledges, into walls, or even back into your team for allies to follow up on. This ability also damages enemies as you push them away, which makes it a brilliant follow-up to Burrow or melee fire. In addition, Venture's Clobber passive ensures more damage through the use of melee, making it a brilliant tool for securing picks - even more so than the normal melee finisher that every Hero comes equipped with.

However, you'll need to keep in mind that if you use both Burrow and Drill Dash within a short interval, you will essentially lack strong movement abilities to get yourself out of close-ranged fights and back to safety to reposition and heal. To help remedy this, you will need to make good use of natural cover around you and even rotate playing like more of a poke hero while your abilities are on cooldown.

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How To Counter Venture In Overwatch 2

overwatch 2 venture

As Venture is a Hero who relies heavily on utilizing their movement abilities to get in and out of close-ranged combat with the enemy, their biggest threat is Heroes who have the potential to either shut down these abilities or deal damage from outside of Venture's range. A fewnotable Heroes that can operate as solid counters to Venture (depending on map and team composition) are as listed below:

  • Sombra - Hack shuts down all of Venture's movement abilities, which can catch them out if they've pushed into range to engage a fight.
  • Ashe - Ashe is a strong sniper who can take Venture down from range, especially with good positioning on the high ground.
  • Widowmaker - Much like Ashe, Widowmaker can keep her distance and scope in to snipe Venture from afar.
  • Pharah - Venture struggles to go up against flying Heroes like Pharah without additional support due to them being able to soar out of their range.
  • Echo - Similarly to Pharah, Echo can use her flight to attack Venture from the sky, which is outside their range.
  • Roadhog - While Roghog is quite a situational pick in the OW2 meta, his Hook can be very effective against Venture, as they are very predictable while jumping up from Burrow. Ideally, this enables Hog to hook them into his team to secure a pick.
  • D.Va - While D.Va is quite a bulky target for Venture, her high mobility enables her to not only fly into the sky out of Venture's range but also to chase them down when Venture tries to back out of a fight.
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Overwatch 2

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October 4, 2022