With over 35 heroes, Overwatch 2 features playable characters of all calibers, split into three classes: Tank, Damage, and Support. Among these heroes are some that are incredibly overpowered and are a must-pick for any team composition, especially if players put the time and effort into mastering them.

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With Overwatch 2's competitive meta constantly shifting and evolving with every new patch from Blizzard, players have to be constantly on their toes, with a keen eye on the currently overpowered Overwatch 2 heroes.

Updated on August 17, 2023, by Joe Grantham: With Season 6 of Overwatch 2 underway and the game releasing on Steam, there is no better time to reevaluate the creme de la creme of Overwatch's ever-expanding roster. The meta has been flipped on its head with the latest patch and a new batch of heroes are looking to dominate, while previously overpowered characters have been rightfully nerfed. As a competitive game with plenty of depth, there are naturally huge differences in skill levels amongst the player base. Therefore this list will feature heroes who are strong across the board, and also those who are truly oppressive in the right hands.

7 Echo

Echo Close-up Overwatch 2

Despite not receiving any buffs in the most recent patch, Echo has risen above most other DPS heroes, especially those on the receiving end of nerfs. Like many of the strongest Overwatch 2 heroes, Echo's fantastic mobility gives her a huge advantage in the current meta.

One of her biggest strengths is her flexibility, which is perfect for climbing solo in the ranked ladders as players can pick Echo in basically any comp, against many different enemies.

6 Kiriko


Kiriko has been a staple support pick pretty much since her release in Overwatch 2, but after some adjustments, she has come out even better. This is particularly true for players who are quick on the key with Kiriko's Protection Suzu as if they are now able to cleanse a negative effect, there is additional heal to make up for a reduction in its base heal.

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With the changes to her Kunai, Kiriko also has more consistent damage now, which shouldn't be overlooked on a support, as the best support players still deal plenty of damage.

5 D.Va

Overwatch 2, D.Va, Tank

D.Va has been strong since the release of Overwatch 2 and players are a bit perplexed as to why she has received buffs. These buffs let D.Va use her boosters more and she is also now immune for the first 0.4 seconds when ejecting from her mech.

Where D.Va shines most is with her underrated Defense Matrix. She can absorb hard-earned Ultimates from champions like Zarya, Hanzo, Cassidy, and Mei, helping her team out immensely. Other than that she is a great all-around pick, providing most team comps with what they need. D.Va is also highly accessible for any player, no matter their skill level.

4 Winston

overwatch 2 angry winston

Winston has struggled to find success in recent times and as such has been one of the least picked heroes in Overwatch 2, however with buffs to his Tesla Cannon and shifts in the meta, Winston has climbed to the top and is now arguably the best tank in the game.

His Barrier Projector is just as reliable as ever, especially on certain maps and game modes where an area needs to be held down. As ever Winston's Primal Rage ultimate is just as fun as ever and by winning more fights, players should be able to acquire it sooner and more often.

3 Tracer

Overwatch 2 Tracer Blink

Tracer has always been one of the hardest Overwatch 2 heroes to pilot, as she is extremely squishy with an incredible amount of mobility and damage potential. However, right now she is an absolute menace in the hands of an expert Tracer player, as the meta perfectly suits her play style.

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With her iconic Blink ability, Tracer can constantly reposition in fights as it has 3 charges all of which have short cooldowns. This allows her to surprise and assassinate any backline targets and if she gets into a pinch she can always turn back time and Recall to a recent position.

2 Sombra

Sombra from Overwatch highlight pose

Even after a nerf to how often Sombra has access to her ult, she is still oppressive in the right hands, and while she is hard to master, players who put in enough time on Sombra will be sufficiently rewarded.

As the only stealth-based hero in Overwatch 2, Sombra has a massive advantage against certain team compositions and can really mess with players' heads, especially casual or low-ranked players who don't understand her. This means that even though she is hard, lower-ranked Sombra mains can climb easily.

1 Ana

Hilarious Overwatch 2 Fan Art Brings Banana Ana Skin Meme To Life

Ana is not only currently the best support in Overwatch 2, but arguably the most OP hero in the entire game as well. Ana's defining feature is that she can heal allies by shooting at them and recent changes were made to the projectile size for when she fires from the hit, making it easier to hit both enemies and allies.

Her Biotic Grenades are arguably what make her overpowered at the moment though, as they deal damage, heal allies, and prevent enemies from healing, thus countering her support opponents.

Overwatch 2 is available to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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