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Overwatch 2 is out now, bringing substantial changes to Blizzard Entertainment's popular hero shooter but retaining the core gameplay. The introduction of new Heroes and a swap from 6v6 to 5v5 may have changed the meta, but the system of DPS, Support, and Tank Heroes is still at the heart of Overwatch 2.

Related: Overwatch 2: Tracer Guide (Tips, Abilities, and More

Many of the original Overwatch Heroes have seen changes in Overwatch 2, but few have been changed as much as Orisa. Once a slow Tank Hero with a focus on rooted toughness and area denial, Orisa is now one of the more brawly Tanks in the game, and is capable of dangerous close-range suppression.

Updated on October 14, 2022: Orisa is a Tank Hero in Overwatch 2, and while this guide did originally provide information on how to play her (like her abilities and tips and tricks), we have updated it to give folks even more info on the guardian omnic. Overwatch 2 Orisa players can now check out our section on her best combos and another section on her counters and advantages.

Orisa's Playstyle In Overwatch 2


Orisa's playstyle has changed radically in Overwatch 2, and players are still getting used to her new focus and Abilities. Although she has comparatively low HP for a Tank Hero, Orisa's survivability is derived from her two defensive Abilities, Fortify and Javelin Spin. Protecting herself with these Abilities, Orisa can push forward steadily, making her an ideal Tank for attacking objectives.

When it comes to offensive Abilities, Orisa relies heavily on her Augmented Fusion Driver. The Fusion Driver is a rapid-fire cannon capable of suppressing and chipping away at enemy Heroes through constant fire. Although ammo-less like's Fusion Cannons, the Fusion Driver will overheat with extended use, so Orisa players will have to keep a close eye on their temperature gauge.

Orisa's Abilities In Overwatch 2

overwatch 2 sms protect

Augmented Fusion Driver

Orisa's primary weapon in Overwatch 2 is the Augmented Fusion Driver, a rapid-firing cannon that is heat rather than ammo based, allowing sustained fire with only short breaks for cooling. The Fusion Driver deals increased damage at close range and has a quick damage falloff, suiting it perfectly to Orisa's new aggressive kit.

Energy Javelin

Orisa's secondary weapon is the Energy Javelin, an arcing projectile weapon similar to Sigma's Accretion or Ashe's Dynamite. The Energy Javelin is on a short 6-second cooldown, and will deal 60 damage, a knock-back, and a mini-stun on a direct hit. If there is a wall behind the target when they're hit they'll take an additional 40 damage as they're pushed into it.


Fortify is the first of Orisa's defensive Tank Abilities in Overwatch 2, and is essential to her survival while taking massed fire. Fortify lasts for 4.5 seconds, and grants a 40% incoming damage reduction, 125 temporary HP, and a 50% reduction in the Fusion Driver's heat generation. This Ability allows Orisa to push forward with a stream of unrelenting fire, almost halving all incoming damage as she draws the full attention of the enemy team.

Related: Overwatch 2: Baptiste Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More)

Javelin Spin

Orisa's second defensive Ability is the Javelin Spin, which causes her to rapidly spin her Energy Javelin in front of her. For 2 seconds this Ability will block all incoming projectiles, while also boosting Orisa's movement speed by 50%. After the Ability ends, Orisa's movement will remain boosted by 20% for 2 more seconds, almost a third of Javelin Spin's cooldown. Any enemy Hero caught in the path of the Javelin Spin will take some light damage and be knocked back, making it a great tool for pushing Heroes off a point or out of position.

Terra Surge (Ultimate)

Terra Surge is Orisa's new Ultimate Ability in Overwatch 2, and is far more aggressive than her old Supercharger. When activated, Terra Surge will draw in nearby enemies, grant Orisa the effects of Fortify, and lock her into the Ultimate's charging animation.

The Orisa player can then choose to unleash the power they're charging at any time, dealing damage to all Heroes in a moderate circle that is marked by a green line. The trick with Terra Surge is knowing the right time to unleash, doing so too early will deal only a small amount of damage, while waiting too long may allow the enemy team to escape the circle or even kill Orisa while she's stationary.

Tips And Tricks For Orisa In Overwatch 2

overwatch 2 orisa

After receiving her new features in Overwatch 2, Orisa is now one of the more unusual Tanks in the game. Without a barrier of any kind, her primary method of protecting her team is to block attacks physically or draw enemy fire by being the biggest and closest target. However, without an escape ability Orisa may find herself overextended if she doesn't push forward with her team, particularly the Support Heroes.

Positioning is probably the most important aspect of the new Orisa's play in Overwatch 2, both for protecting the team and staying safe. Going too far ahead or being caught alone will leave Orisa exposed with no good escape options, while hanging back will dramatically lower the effectiveness of her Fusion Driver and Energy Javelin. Although she doesn't have a movement Ability like Reinhardt's Charge or Winston's Jump Pack, the speed boost from Orisa's Javelin Spin can allow her to advance quickly and safely, knocking enemy Heroes back and creating space for her team.

Orisa Combos in Overwatch 2

overwatch 2 mei tracer reinhardt

Orisa + Zenyatta

With her high armor and multiple defensive Abilities, Orisa is one of the toughest Tanks in Overwatch 2. This comes at the cost of the team-protecting Barriers offered by Tanks like Reinhardt or Sigma. For this reason, Orisa benefits most from self-sufficient Supports like Zenyatta, who can passively heal her prodigious armor while still being able to deal good damage and protect themselves.

Orisa + Baptiste

Another good self-sufficient Support, Baptiste has a few Abilities that combo well with Orisa. The best combination that these two Heroes can pull off is Orisa's Terra Surge and Baptiste's Immortality Field. Terra Surge can deal devastating damage if allowed to charge for long enough, but Orisa can be killed while charging it if she started low or is focus-fired. Immortality Field will prevent this from happening, allowing Orisa the precious seconds to fully-charge Terra Surge.

Orisa + Tracer

Orisa's Fusion Driver allows her to maintain constant pressure on the enemy team, keeping their attention and making herself difficult to ignore. This can combo well with a highly mobile, flanking DPS Hero like Tracer or Genji. The more the enemy Supports are focused on healing up Orisa's constant damage, the less ready they'll be for a dive from Tracer. Additionally, Orisa can use Terra Surge immediately after Tracer's Pulse Bomb to draw enemy targets together, allowing the detonation to finish them all at once.

Orisa + Ashe

Another DPS Hero who benefits from Orisa's aggression and crowd-control Ultimate, Ashe, will have an easy time lining up shots on targets that are backpedaling from Orisa's constant fire. Detonating a Dynamite immediately after Orisa begins Terra Surge will weaken all targets caught in the Ultimate, meaning Orisa needs to charge less to finish them off.

Orisa + Pharah

Just as Orisa can distract targets for a diving DPS like Tracer, she can do the same for a flying DPS like Pharah. Orisa's aggression and her ability to force enemies into tight groups using Javelin Spin or Terra Surge will create plenty of opportunities for Pharah's Rocket Launcher or Barrage.

Orisa's Advantages and Counters in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Orisa Counters Guide

While players are still getting used to Orisa's new Abilities in Overwatch 2, her strengths and weaknesses are starting to become apparent. Orisa is particularly good at dealing with other Tanks like Reinhardt or Junker Queen with her high Armor, constant damage, and strong defensive Abilities.

Specifically, most of her Abilities can block a Reinhardt's Charge, and her Javelin can keep melee Heroes from getting too close. She can also counter Roadhog's Hook more easily than most characters by either using her Javelin Throw or Javelin Spin immediately after the Hook lands.

Orisa's toughness and constant damage make her a real threat to slower DPS or Support Heroes like Torbjorn or Brigitte. The Fortify Ability will make it easy to destroy Torbjorn's Turret with the Fusion Driver, as well as pop Brigitte's Shield before she can close to melee range.

When it comes to weaknesses, Orisa suffers most against Heroes that can bypass or overload her defensive Abilities. Zenyatta's Orb of Discord can allow DPS Heroes to burn through Orisa's HP 25% faster, almost completely negating her armor advantage. This can be particularly bad for Orisa when combined with accurate DPS Heroes like Soldier: 76 or Widowmaker, whose burst damage from mid to long-range can quickly burn her down.

Finally, a few Heroes can bypass Orisa's Javelin Spin entirely, removing half of her defensive capabilities. Zarya is a strong match-up to Orisa because her Particle Cannon will not only pierce the Javelin Spin but can also be rapidly charged by careless fire from Orisa's Fusion Driver. On the DPS side, Mei's Endothermic Blaster will also pass through the Javelin Spin, and the slow effect is particularly punishing with Orisa's lack of strong movement Abilities.

Overwatch 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.