Eagle-eyed Overwatch 2 players have noticed that they have not played matches on the Hybrid map Numbani since the game was released. Strangely enough, Numbani is completely missing from the game right now.

Overwatch 2 players have been combing through the game trying to find all the new quirks that have been added. Some fans have found new secret areas of past Overwatch maps, new voice lines, and other interactions. Intended to be a new title, finding new things is par for the course. What isn't is finding out that there are things that have mysteriously gone missing. Some Overwatch 2 players have noticed that they have not been getting Numbani in their games. After doing some digging in the custom games menu, they discovered that the Hybrid map isn't even in the game.

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Redditors SeeOurTea and Total_Meringue_8237 have brought it to the Overwatch community's attention that the home map of Orisa has gone missing from the map list in Overwatch 2. The disappearance of the map stands out as while players are noticing that other maps like Havana, Rialto, and Blizzard World all seem to be missing from the live game's map pool, Numbani is completely missing from the game. Digging through the custom games mode, all the aforementioned maps aside from Numbani are playable in the game.

Some replies attribute the disappearance to either a possible redesign of the stage or Blizzard still doing bug fixes for it. One person points to the Blizzcon 2021 clip where Overwatch developers were talking about the changing day/night cycles and weather effects that could be coming to the game, and Numbani was shown with a slightly different final checkpoint design. Numbani has had a history of being removed from the original Overwatch because of bugs, so it's possible that new or reoccurring bugs may have popped up and kept it from the live game.

Even as the Assault (2CP) maps like Hanamura have been retired from play, those maps are still in Overwatch 2 through the custom games menus. So to have Numbani completely missing from the game implies that there is something more serious going on with the map. Either a complete redesign to remove outdated references like Doomfist's attack or something as drastic as converting it to a different map type, anything is possible here.

There has been complete radio silence so far from Blizzard about Numbani's disappearance. It is possible that Blizzard is using its Early Access label for Overwatch 2 to withhold it from the live game to continue working on it in the background. It remains a mystery why Blizzard has not told the players and assumed that they wouldn't notice.

Overwatch 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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