Overwatch 2 is exciting for several reasons, with new multiplayer maps and heroes being some of the most anticipated additions. A recent post by an Overwatch 2 fan highlights both aspects of the game, with players wondering if they have found a new hero.

Thus far, the only new hero for Overwatch 2 that has been confirmed is Sojourn, with players having a good idea of how the character will play in the sequel. However, more heroes are expected to release alongside Sojourn, with rumors suggesting that there will be several new characters coming to the game in the sequel. Theories have ranged from Yokai, a fox-focused hero that was seemingly teased in the Kanezaka map, to Mauga, a hero fans have wanted for some time. Junker Queen has also been suggested, with the list only growing larger as time goes on.

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However, the hero that fans have supposedly spotted in Overwatch 2’s Rome-based map Colosseo is not one of the characters that have been teased or rumored. Instead, it is someone entirely new, with the character seemingly being named Magnus. Fans spotted a statue of the potential hero when watching gameplay of the Colosseo map, and the design looks far too fleshed out to be a random statue. With a name also being attached to the statue, it seems to be showing off a proper character as opposed to an unknown gladiator.

Based on the statue, Magnus would wield a massive sword, making for a melee-focused hero like Doomfist. Overwatch does not have many heroes that fill this role currently, so Magnus would be a neat addition. His large size also suggests that he could be a Tank, which would be welcome since most agree that Overwatch needs more Tank and Support heroes. Magnus’ gladiator-inspired armor is certainly stylish, with a neat helmet and a look that features some exposed skin on his chest.

With Overwatch still in need of an Italian hero, and Rome boasting a statue that honors Magnus, it can be assumed that the character is of Italian descent - making the potential roster addition even more exciting. However, it is important to keep in mind that this character is far from confirmed, with fans simply theorizing that Magnus could be a potential addition. He could come after the release of Overwatch 2, or he may never become playable at all, though based on the upvotes the post has received and the comments hoping Magnus will be a hero, there is clearly interest in the character.

With Overwatch 2’s first beta dropping in late April, fans will soon have the chance to examine this statue themselves. While it remains to be seen if this map detail leads to something major, Magnus has certainly gotten fans talking.

Overwatch 2 is currently in development for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Overwatch 2: What You Need to Know About the Beta