An Overwatch 2 player has shared a montage of themselves playing as Mei and saving teammates from Roadhog’s vicious Chain Hook attack. While many players have had experiences of Mei trolling their own team, this clip demonstrates why she is such a useful character in Overwatch 2.

Roadhog’s Chain Hook attack is famous for pulling enemies off the edge of maps, and with the big changes made to Roadhog and his Whole Hog ultimate, he became even deadlier still. The Chain Hook in particular has been Roadhog’s signature move, and with a relatively short cool down of eight seconds, it’s easy for his enemies to be caught time and time again. For some heroes with lower health points, getting caught spells certain doom.

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Luckily for the teammates of Mei player and Reddit user, numbers215, the Chain Hook needn’t be cause for concern. Numbers215 has uploaded an impressive montage of themselves saving teammates from the Chain Hook by perfectly timing Mei’s Ice Wall ability. Players being pulled in by Roadhog are repeatedly stopped just in time by colliding into the Ice Wall, rendering them free from Roadhog’s grasp. Getting revenge on Roadhog seems to be prominent recently, with a Zenyatta player recently giving Roadhog a taste of his own medicine.

While Zenyatta players have been known to be quite helpful and versatile, the same can’t always be said of Mei. Ever since the launch of the original Overwatch in 2016, Mei has been the perfect troll character. Commenters on the Ice Wall montage made mention of how rare it was to see Mei help the team instead of locking them in the team’s spawn room, or blocking the escape from D.Va’s ultimate. Other commenters posted to simply say that they could not stand her, while others commented to say that the clip was inspiring and that they would try out the technique.

The montage also goes to show why Overwatch has held such longevity; balancing the characters against each other, in a way that requires some planning and thought for this kind of high skill interaction. Meanwhile, other players can enjoy the action without that kind of planning and forethought. Because of the continued popularity it is also good to see Blizzard work on improved communication for Overwatch 2 season 3. While not all changes made to Overwatch 2 have been received so well by fans, this more open approach should hopefully see the franchise become the best version of itself without too many of Mei’s Ice Walls between the players and the devs.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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