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The highly anticipated Overwatch 2 has finally been released on October 4, 2022, bringing some substantial alterations to the fan-favorite hero shooter, though not without some issues at launch. Team sizes have now dropped from six to five, with now only one Tank to bolster to front lines. However, some core gameplay has been kept, as players can still pick between three hero categories: Tank, DPS, and Support.

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Overwatch 2 is lacking in its selection of Support and Tank roles, but some would argue that the Support role is the backbone and literal lifeline of the team, as they are in charge of keeping their teammates' health topped up and ready to engage in the fight. Moira is one of the best Support picks for any team in Overwatch 2, as she has excellent burst healing capabilities while also being able to pick-off low-health enemies.

Updated on October 8, 2022: This Overwatch 2 guide for how to play Moira has been updated to give players much more information. There's now a section on the best Moira combos and a section on her advantages and disadvantages when it comes to other playable Heroes.

Moira's Playstyle In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, Moira, Support

Moira's support playstyle hasn't changed much in Overwatch 2, and she is still a decent pick for a main support despite her limited healing resources. Moira has duel potential, as she is one of the highest damage-dealing supports in the game while also being considered a primary healer.

The core of her kit is her Biotic Grasp and her Biotic Orbs, which can heal or damage allies dependent on what is required. Moira does run out of healing juice reasonably quickly, so players are advised to heal sparingly in short bursts to maximize her healing over time. Luckily, damaging enemies with Biotic Grasp will simultaneously heal Moira and replenish healing/biotic energy. Players should make sure to burst damage with this to refill on healing if they're stuck in a pinch. By alternating between dealing damage and healing allies, she can be helpful in any situation and can turn the tide of a team fight in her favor.

Moira's Abilities

Overwatch 2, Moira, Support

Biotic Grasp

Moira's hands are her primary weapon. Biotic Grasp can either heal her teammates, or damage enemies from afar with a decent range, characterized by the color of her nails. Her damage-dealing hand is alt-fire on the right with purple nails, and her healing hand is primary-fire with yellow nails on the left. Healing allies should be the player's main priority and concern, but Moira can run out of healing very quickly. Her Biotic Energy can be replenished by damaging enemies with Biotic Grasp.

Biotic Orb

Biotic Orb will bounce off any surface it comes across. Just like her primary weapons, Biotic Orbs can be used to either heal allies or damage enemies with a well-placed ricochet shot. It is best to aim these in a straight line to avoid the Biotic Orbs bouncing off random environmental objects into oblivion and becoming useless. They have a long-range, and can be used to heal allies flanking the enemy team or those outside of Moira's Biotic Grasp range.

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Fade is Moira's movement ability. While using it, she can disappear and becomes invulnerable, but she cannot use any other skills during this time. To maximize this ability, players should jump before exiting Fade to gain a little boost. Fade is best used to reposition Moira, or to cleanse herself of any negative effects from Ana's Biotic Grenade or Mei's slowing primary fire.

Coalescence (Ultimate)

The Coalescence Ultimate ability in Overwatch 2 gives Moira duel potential for damage and healing. She uses both her hands to fire a straight biotic energy beam that damages enemies and heals all allies that it passes through with a 30m range. It will last eight seconds if it is not interrupted prematurely by crowd control abilities. Coalescence can also pierce through shields, barring Zarya's energy barriers, damaging the team behind it.

During this channeled Ultimate, Moira gains increased movement speed and regenerates Health but cannot use any other ability like Fade or Quick Attack. It is best to throw out a Biotic Orb before using this Ultimate to maximize Moira's kit.

Tips And Tricks For Moira In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, Moira, Support

Moira is best played while grouped up with the rest of her team as she excels in healing multiple allies simultaneously with her spray Biotic Grasp and her Biotic Orb. She works best on payload maps, when the team is required to be close together. Players will need to find the right balance between healing and damage dealing as Moira, and being aggressive with Fade is a great idea, provided the Tank is there to provide assistance.

Like most other supports, Moira has little HP and can easily be burst down by a good DPS like Cassidy, Soldier, Echo. Moira is also weak to CC, especially when she uses her Ultimate, as any stun will cancel it early. Players should take care to use Fade as an escape mechanism to get away from danger, and should be especially wary of Reinhardt's Earthshatter and Roadhog's Hook to name a few.


Overwatch 2, Moira holding up orbs
  • Reaper

Reaper is technically a Tank buster with his large damage output, so he will always be in close quarters with the enemy. Luckily, Moira is designed to be a frontline support, so she can throw him a healing Biotic Orb to heal him back up, so he can continue harassing the enemy team.

  • Reinhardt
  • Zarya

Reinhardt and Zarya are great frontline tanks for Moira to support. Reinhardt can aggressively push forward, with Moira there to provide him with a mass healing output. If he hits enough enemies with his Earthshatter Ultimate, Moira can use a Biotic Orb and Coalescence to chip away at enemy HP while simultaneously healing Rein if he is struggling. Zarya's Ultimate, Graviton Surge, is similar and traps enemies in an inescapable bubble; prime targets for Coalescence as it can pierce through multiple targets.

  • Brigitte
  • Zenyatta

Brigitte and Zenyatta are the best Supports to pair alongside Moira. Brigitte can be upfront, pushing aggressively with the Tank while providing passive healing as Moira keeps the DPS topped up and ready to engage in a fight. Zenyatta and Moira work well together because they can both deal damage while supporting and healing their team. Zenyatta's Transcendence Ultimate is a defensive Ultimate that can provide bonus healing if Moira is respawning.

Advantages & Counters

Overwatch 2, Moira
  • D.Va (outside of mech)

If the enemy D.Va's mech has been destroyed, that leaves D.Va very vulnerable, with only her Light Gun as her primary method of defense with no other abilities. If Moira sees this opportunity, she should swoop in with Fade and use everything in her arsenal, like Biotic Orb and Biotic Grasp, to quickly kill the D.Va to prevent her from climbing back into her mech.

  • Mercy

Moira can easily sneak behind Mercy and latch onto her using Biotic Grasp to drain her HP, as Mercy is pretty much defenseless, with her Caduceus Blaster being her only weapon. Even if Mercy flies away with Guardian Angel, Moira's Biotic Grasp has a long range that should be able to finish the job. If the player primarily focuses on mass healing, Moira can also easily out-heal an enemy Mercy.

  • Tracer
  • Genji

These two DPS champions are squishy, particularly Tracer, with her low HP, and if Moira catches them flanking, she can chase them using Fade and go in for the kill. Genji also cannot deflect Moira's Biotic Grasp, making him an easy target for Moira.

  • Zenyatta

Zenyatta has no movement or self-healing abilities outside his Support passive. Moira can easily send a Biotic Or in his direction for the decisive final blow if he is low HP and take him out.

RELATED: Brigitte Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More)

Moira can easily be countered by the following:

  • Ana

With her Biotic Grenade, Ana can negate all of Moira's healing for a solid few seconds, rendering half of Moira's kit useless. If Ana uses her Biotic Grenade during Coalescence, it will ruin Moira's healing.

  • Doomfist

Doomfist's entire kit is stun-based, which can be dangerous for Moira if she has her Ultimate available. Any form of Crowd Control will cancel her Ultimate prematurely and waste it.

  • Roadhog

A well-aimed Roadhog Chain hook can easily ruin Moira's day, as it is essentially a one-shot combo with his Melee Attack that is a guaranteed death if it is executed well. It can also cancel Moira's Coalescence, so players must watch out for this.

  • Sombra

Sombra can easily Hack Moira, leaving her without her abilities, and burst her down with some quick damage. Moira would not be able to use Fade to get away, so she would essentially be a sitting duck. EMP can also disrupt Moira's Ultimate, ending it early.

  • Widowmaker

Moira only has 200 base Health, meaning that one headshot from Widowmaker is instant death. Players must be cautious of their surroundings and utilize their crouch, environmental cover, and Tank shields to stay hidden and protected from the hitscan sniper.

Overwatch 2 is available to play in Early Access on PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.