An Overwatch 2 player has discovered a Mercy bug that lets them take control of the match. This bug has made players call for Blizzard to temporarily cut Mercy from Overwatch 2 the same way other characters like Mei and Bastion were removed when they had issues.

Overwatch 2 has received a lot of negative attention, partly due to how characters have been balanced since release. Each patch also seems to introduce a new bug that allows some Overwatch 2 players to grief others. From Torbjorn and Bastion having issues with their abilities, Kiriko's teleport taking her to spawn, to Sigma being able to float indefinitely, players have been able to find ways to gain an unfair advantage in the game. More often than not, this results in the bugged characters being removed from the game to address the issues.

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Recently, another player found a game-breaking bug related to Mercy, allowing them to take the reins of a match. This might give some nightmares to the players who experienced the JunkerTown glitch that tormented Overwatch 2 players for a while. In a video shared by YouTuber nsbunited, Mercy uses her staff and pistol animations simultaneously while trying to escape the spawn room on the map six to seven times. After switching back to the staff, Mercy will "take the game hostage" as the frame rate takes a nosedive for all players. Even worse, the effect only gets amplified every time Mercy dies and the issue causes latency to increase, rendering the game unplayable.

If that wasn't enough, Mercy players only need to swap back to her pistol to fix the issue for themselves while everyone else in the lobby continues lagging. This bug lets Mercy players take complete control of the lobby and accomplish the objective while others either try to improve their frame rates or play with a terrible connection, powerless to do anything about Mercy taking control of the map because killing her would make things worse. This glitch would theoretically make matches in Overwatch 2's Paraiso easy to win for the Mercy player because pulling it off is relatively easy.

Luckily, there are some ways to escape the glitch. Leaving and rejoining the game is one of the most efficient ways to fix the issue. Another method involves not picking a hero during the setup phase or until after Mercy starts the glitch. Having the Mercy player switch characters also helps, although that would require that the player has no malicious intent in performing the glitch in the first place.

Overwatch 2 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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