
  • Hero shooters like Overwatch 2 are making a comeback after battle royales took over the shooter community.
  • The hero shooter resurgence has begun with new titles challenging Overwatch 2's dominance in the genre.
  • Competition among shooter developers is fierce, fueling an arms race with various factors influencing success in the modern market.

Between 2007 and 2017, games like Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch contributed to the rising popularity of the hero shooter genre, despite titles like The Amazing Eternals, Battleborn, and LawBreakers failing to achieve this level of success. However, when games such as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite gained recognition in 2017, battle royales firmly took hold of the shooter community. Now, although battle royales still enjoy considerable prevalence, hero shooters are making a comeback.

A cornerstone of the genre, Overwatch 2 has served as both a sequel and a replacement for the original Overwatch. By expanding its availability to consoles like the Switch and platforms like Steam, Blizzard has demonstrated its commitment to keeping the title fresh and accessible. Still, likely due to shortcomings that have left some fans wanting more, 2024 is shaping up to be a year brimming with fresh takes on the hero shooter genre.

Overwatch 2's Lore Could Learn From Concord's Cinematic System

With Firewalk Studios' upcoming hero shooter, Concord, recently revealed, it's already apparent that Overwatch 2 could take some notes from the game.

The Hero Shooter Resurgence Has Already Begun

Concord, Marvel Rivals, And Star Wars: Hunters Aim To Take Overwatch 2's Crown

For some, there's a theory that Overwatch 2 may be the reason for the rise in Overwatch clones. With Blizzard stumbling upon a gold mine in 2016, other studios likely saw an opportunity following Overwatch 2's troubled lifespan. Given the extensive development timelines involved, it makes sense that a hero shooter renaissance would begin approximately two years after the sequel debuted.

As such, existing and upcoming titles with hero shooter characteristics include, but aren't necessarily limited to:

  • Apex Legends
  • Concord
  • Valve's unannounced hero shooter (currently trademarked under the name Deadlock)
  • FragPunk
  • Marvel Rivals
  • Nyan Heroes
  • Overwatch 2
  • Paladins
  • Star Wars: Hunters
  • Strinova
  • Valorant

As battle royale fatigue sets in, fierce competition is brewing among shooter developers. While the arrival of new hero shooters has its drawbacks, it also yields several benefits. For players dedicated to Overwatch 2, increased competition should lead to improved game quality. Fortunately, following Season 10, this is already apparent with the adjustments made to competitive play, new maps, and fresh heroes.

Regardless, in recent months Overwatch-like games such as Marvel Rivals have been making waves in esports, while Sony's Concord is being lauded for its plans to include weekly in-game cinematics. Notably, Valorant's upcoming release on console and reports of Valve developing its own hero shooter further complicate predicting which titles will come out on top of this highly competitive race.

Modern Day Hero Shooters Are Competing In An Arms Race

While each of the aforementioned titles has the potential to succeed, and even coexist, in the modern shooter market, there are various factors to consider. This encompasses the release date, audience reception, and monetization strategies, which often include controversial microtransactions. Each equally important, these factors will play a crucial role in determining which of these games will ascend to prominence.

Interestingly, Concord has not been confirmed as free-to-play, suggesting it may adopt a base price model instead of relying on a monetized live service approach. With some players growing weary of live service titles, this could be a step in the right direction for Concord's development team. Other games like Deadlock might come with a price tag, but considering Valve's track record with Team Fortress 2 and Dota 2 being free-to-play, it seems less probable.

Ultimately, a significant challenge for these new hero shooters is Overwatch 2's strong position within this niche. Despite some of its missteps, Overwatch 2 has maintained a loyal player base and even recently achieved its largest player count on Steam in May. As such, combined with being a free-to-play title that's accessible on various consoles, recognizable heroes, and the legacy of the original having been 2016's Game of the Year, Blizzard's hero shooter remains a formidable competitor. Nevertheless, with 2024 hailed as the year of the hero shooter, it should be exciting to see what enjoyable experiences will emerge from the genre's renaissance.