The fifth season of Overwatch 2 has received several changes, starting with hero nerfs to sniper characters like Hanzo and Widowmaker and CC buffs to Mei and Cassidy. However, some fans were disappointed to hear that the mythic adventure-themed season was not debuting with a new character or map. It seems that Overwatch 2 is primarily focusing its efforts on Season 6 and its Invasion Story Missions.

While this season didn't have any major additions, Blizzard did update several parts of Watchpoint Gibraltar to ease "historical pain points that players have had in the layouts." There are a couple of new routes around the hangar which provide alternate paths to the payload alongside a redesigned last-defender spawn. With pre-existing maps being revisited, there are a few others that are deserving of small fixes as well.

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Rialto's Second Point Should Be Next

Rialto Bridge Overwatch 2

The second point of Rialto has been one of the more prominent proposals from Overwatch 2's player base. While the boats on the river are visually aesthetic, they don't typically provide much value. For most heroes, the best way across the river is to take the bridge, though there have been impressive plays across Rialto's gap that don't involve the bridge.

A recurring issue comes about as soon as the offensive team pushes the payload past the first checkpoint. If the defenders have a good sniper, it can make crossing the bridge extremely difficult. Since Overwatch 2 appears to be re-evaluating Widowmaker and other snipers now, it wouldn't be surprising if the developers also chose to add more flank routes.

Blizzard World's First Point Needs Variety

The Hybrid map called Blizzard World in Overwatch

While Blizzard World has been updated before, it could still use some alterations. The problem with Blizzard World mostly lies within its first point, around where the offensive team comes out of spawn. From the high ground next to the griffin rides, the defenders can clearly see all approachable routes from the opposing team. There are a few flanking options, but the best-case scenario for most is to run a dive-comp that can overtake the high ground, or get early picks that stagger the other team.

Blizzard World was the twenty-fourth map to be added to the game, but it has remained relatively the same over the years, other than some visual improvements. Perhaps Blizzard could find a way to add another entrance or improve the staircase on the right side of the statue. The second point of this map is much more diverse with its flank routes and high-ground accessibility and there's no reason that the first can't be as well.

Eichenwalde Favors Defenders a Bit Too Much

Eichenwalde Bridge Overwatch 2

Eichenwalde is one of Overwatch's oldest maps, debuting as the first new map after Overwatch prime's launch. The Hybrid map faces a similar issue to Rialto with its bridge, though it often causes eliminations if players fall since there aren't any boats to land on. Some players have accused the map of favoring the defenders too much since the choke point at the bridge is easier to protect than overtake. There isn't much cover at the bridge itself, and the closer the payload gets to the castle gates, the closer the enemy spawn is.

Of course, honorable mentions for other Overwatch 2 maps that could receive updates go to Numbani's first point and third points, which are notoriously difficult to attack. Second would be Havana's first choke point which can be stalled for a long time by its defending team, or even completely first-held. Perhaps after Blizzard makes these adjustments, it'll also consider reworking Overwatch 2CP maps for other game modes.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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