The PvE portion of Overwatch 2 has become an increasingly controversial topic with every update, but fans have noticed that some of the game's maps now include looming Null Sector ships which seem to be foreshadowing the imminent story missions. Players recently got to see a trailer for the upcoming Overwatch 2 Invasion update, which will finally see the release of some of the game's first PvE story missions.

With a fully-fledged PvE experience originally advertised to be a core aspect and major selling point of Overwatch 2, it's no surprise that fans had high hopes for the game mode at first. Unfortunately, more recent news regarding the game's cooperative PvE campaign has led to disappointment after disappointment, with the announcement of Hero Mode and talent trees being scrapped. The reveal of Overwatch 2: Invasion confirmed that the update will be dropping the first three PvE missions, but fans should expect a lengthy gap between the releases of future missions in Overwatch 2.

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Overwatch 2's first batch of story content will feature the Omnic terrorist group known as Null Sector and its forces as the primary antagonists, and players have recently discovered some glaring hints that foreshadow their imminent attacks on certain cities around the world of Overwatch 2. An instance of this foreshadowing was shared in a post on Reddit by the user Iek2003, and shows a massive Null Sector ship lurking in the skies above Paraiso. This was discovered by the player after they loaded up a custom game on the map, but many other fans have pointed out that these Null Sector ships are present in several other maps too, including New Queen's Street, Colosseo, King's Row, and Midtown.

Interestingly, some of these maps don't seem to serve as mission sites for the levels coming with Overwatch 2: Invasion, possibly hinting that maps such as Colosseo, King's Row, and Midtown will play host to their own playable missions some time in the future. The first three PvE missions have been confirmed to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Toronto, and Gothenburg respectively, with some of these areas already seeming to have Null Sector ships descending on them.

The scrapping of many exciting PvE features in Overwatch 2 has certainly been disappointing to say the least, and fans haven't been happy about the fact that the remains of Overwatch 2's PvE will be locked behind a paywall. Still, it seems like Blizzard has a lengthy plan in place regarding the gradual release of Overwatch 2's PvE campaign content.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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