
  • Overwatch 2 devs have been improving maps post-launch, addressing older map issues to enhance player experience.
  • Potential benefits seen in Junkertown rework suggest other maps like Havana, Circuit Royale, and Dorado could use adjustments.
  • Changes like additional cover, alternative flank routes, and leveling terrain could make these maps more balanced and engaging for all roles.

Overwatch 2's developers haven't shied away from post-launch adjustments since the game's October 2022 release. This has included revisiting classic maps from the first Overwatch, as seen in Season 5's changes to Watchpoint Gibraltar and Season 7's alterations to Route 66, both of which were initially released over seven years ago. In a similar vein, Junkertown's Season 9 rework, particularly the addition of cover in the first point, highlights the potential benefits of similar adjustments to other maps.

Blizzard's ongoing efforts to improve map flow by easing challenging sections could benefit several other Overwatch 2 locations if the developers are willing to consider them. If Season 5's map changes are anything to go off, the developers should still be focused on easing "historical pain points." As such, implementing features like additional flank routes or barriers on maps with long sight lines could significantly enhance people's overall experience.

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Three Overwatch 2 Maps Could Benefit From Making Changes

Third Point of Havana Could Use More Cover

Havana Overwatch 2

Several Overwatch 2 maps could benefit from reworks, but the third point of Havana stands out as particularly in need of adjustments. Since it was released in May 2019, the community has had qualms with how sniper-dependent the final stretch of this escort map is. While there are attack compositions that can succeed without playing long-range heroes like Widowmaker or Hanzo, if the defending team is running a sniper it can make pushing the cart notoriously difficult.

Similar to Junkertown's recent rework that added cover for attackers, incorporating additional protection from the enemy's high ground on Havana's third point could significantly improve the map's balance. Currently, especially for support and tank roles, this section often feels heavily dependent on who has the better DPS. Providing additional cover would empower all roles to utilize the space effectively and potentially make more game-changing plays.

Second Point of Circuit Royale Favors The Defenders

Circuit Royale Overwatch 2

Circuit Royale shares similar issues with Havana, but on a map-wide scale. Both maps feature long sight lines that favor Poke DPS heroes in Overwatch 2: including, but not limited to:

  • Widowmaker
  • Hanzo
  • Ashe
  • Sojourn

Though this escort map typically benefits from running a double sniper composition, attacking snipers often run into an issue during the second point. Since this area slopes upwards, the defending team has access to the high ground for the duration of this segment. While Circuit Royale is visually stunning, this has become a hard choke point to overcome since the map also features a close spawn for the defenders. Addressing this imbalance might require significant adjustments, such as leveling the terrain or introducing alternative flank routes accessible to heroes with limited mobility.

First and Second Point of Dorado Could Benefit From Alterations

Dorado Overwatch 2

Dorado, an Overwatch 2 payload map, has been a source of frustration for many players since it launched with the first game in 2016. While some defend its design, the frequent occurrence of first-point holds hints at underlying issues. One potential culprit is the uneven distribution of high-ground access. For instance, defenders enjoy a high-ground advantage on the first point, while the attackers usually have to rely on building their ultimates to fully contest them.

Beyond the first point, the next stretch becomes difficult for both teams, since it only has two out-of-the-way staircases that reach those vantage points. If players don't want to, or can't, use these staircases, reaching these high points will require the use of a cool down such as Widowmaker's Grappling Hook, Ashe's Coach Gun, or Symmetra's Teleporter. This restricts strategic options for characters like Cassidy or Ana, who struggle to contest the high ground effectively and can't wall climb like Kiriko, Hanzo, or Genji.