Lifeweaver is the most recent addition to Overwatch 2's ever-growing character roster, and one fan has already suggested a way of improving the support hero's Ultimate ability since his current capabilities are being deemed underwhelming. Despite Lifeweaver receiving several buffs and adjustments since his addition to Overwatch 2, many high-ranking competitive enthusiasts believe he's not worth playing when compared to other support characters, and fans have offered their suggestions of how Lifeweaver could be improved.

Introduced to Overwatch 2 with Season 4, Lifeweaver is a charming support character who brings much more to the battlefield than just healing. He's equipped with various abilities that provide utility during teamfights, such as his Petal Platform ability which can be used to raise teammates to higher ground and the Life Grip ability that allows Lifeweaver to pull teammates to his location from a distance. While this ability was originally viewed by the Overwatch 2 community with some suspicion due to it providing the potential for trolling allies, it's proven to be a unique and quite literally life-saving ability, as it can be used to pull teammates out of dangerous situations or save them from falling off maps.

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Lifeweaver's Ultimate ability is his Tree of Life, which allows him to manifest a large, destructible tree that periodically releases bursts of healing for all allies in a nearby radius. This ability has proven to be useful not only in prolonging team fights, but also in physically blocking certain areas or doorways, though it's perhaps not as potent in healing as some Overwatch 2 players would like. This has led one fan named jhong-g on Reddit to share their own ideas of how this ability could be improved, with the player offering the concept of a larger Tree of Life that could provide healing over a much wider radius.

The idea was inspired by a trend in support ability buffs that players have seen over the years, that being a simple increase in the size of support heroes' Ultimate abilities. Such examples include Baptiste's Amplification Matrix window, which was much smaller when it was first introduced, as well as Brigitte's Ultimate, which was recently reworked. Many fans of the game have previously come up with differing ideas of how Lifeweaver's Ultimate could be buffed, with some members of the community even suggesting that the tree should provide a protective "bubble", not unlike Halo's bubble shield or Destiny 2's Ward of Dawn.

Despite several rather significant tweaks to Lifeweaver over the relatively short time he has been around in Overwatch 2, many fans are still unhappy with his performance, largely due to the weak potency of his healing when compared to that of other healers. Blizzard recently announced a small buff for Lifeweaver's Thorn Volley attack, but fans will just have to wait and see whether Lifeweaver will receive any more substantial changes over the coming seasons.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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