The newest addition to Overwatch 2's growing hero roster, Lifeweaver, brings some powerful new tools to the game, and many fans are already discovering new ways of combining these powers with teammates' Ultimates to give them an even greater advantage. Though some of Lifeweaver's own abilities have proven to be effective methods of trolling allied players, expert support players in Overwatch 2 have proven beyond doubt that the new character has the potential to be a game-changer in matches.

Coming to Overwatch 2 alongside the launch of Season 4, Lifeweaver is a support hero who has quickly seized the attention of players over the weeks since his reveal. While his healing may not be on par with others in the support category, the abilities that he uses easily make him a standout character. His Life Grip ability - undoubtedly his most controversial power - allows him to transport allied players across a distance. While this offers a great way of rescuing teammates in dangerous situations, it has proven to be a cause of frustration for some Overwatch 2 players who have had their plays ruined by an interfering Lifeweaver. Another of his primary abilities, his Petal Platform, provides a method of elevating teammates to higher ground with ease while also blocking certain routes off to enemies.

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Combined with his questionable passive ability that can potentially reward enemy flankers and divers with additional health, it's safe to say that Lifeweaver is a hit-or-miss type of hero in Overwatch 2, depending on the player controlling him. That said, skilled Lifeweaver players often have the opportunity to make some teammates' Ultimate abilities far more effective on the battlefield, as was shown recently in a popular Reddit post shared by the user CherylSimp. This clip in particular shows how a well-timed Life Grip can propel an ally while their Ultimate animation begins - in this case, allowing an ulting Junkrat to quickly close the gap with their Rip Tire and score a near team kill at close range.

Other players have also offered several other ways that Lifeweaver could effectively synergize with other heroes in Overwatch 2. A popular example that can frequently be seen in-game is Lifeweaver's Petal Platform providing a significant height advantage to Cassidy players using Deadeye, allowing the damage hero a much greater chance at striking down multiple unsuspecting foes.

Fans have delivered tons of feedback on Lifeweaver since the character's debut with Season 4, and it seems like the developers are already working on implementing player feedback with regard to some of the hero's abilities. One of the biggest complaints currently pertains to the hero's unintuitive controls, with players having to alternate between his damage and healing with a "switch weapon" key rather than both healing and damage being accessible simultaneously like with other heroes. Many circulating ideas suggest ways that the Overwatch 2 hero's Life Grip could be made more troll-proof, leaving fans to wonder how the hero may continue to change in the future.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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