An Overwatch 2 player shares a short video clip of Lifeweaver completing misreading a potential tide turning move during a match by pulling Reaper away from danger at the worst possible time. The latest hero to join the constantly expanding Overwatch 2 roster is Lifeweaver, a support character that comes with a unique toolkit capable of protecting allies with abilities like a platform that can be raised up as well as a pull that can grab characters and yank them towards the player.

In addition to damage and healing capabilities, the arrival of Lifeweaver has seemingly caused a rise of trolling style clips. Using some of his abilities, players have been able to interrupt matches whether by accident or intentional. Some have used these abilities for good including a player raising a platform to cancel out Orisa's ultimate ability at the perfect time, while others have managed to save themselves by sacrificing a teammate using Lifeweaver's Life Grip to escape a charging Reinhardt. This latest example comes from a player who had good intentions, but intervened at the wrong time.

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The latest Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver troll clip comes from a user named DoMIniK090 who kicks things off with a thread apologizing to a teammate playing as Reaper. During a Control match on Ilios, the Lifeweaver player is heading to the point where a single Reaper is trying to hold out against multiple enemy players. Sensing danger, Lifeweaver uses their Life Grip to pull the Reaper to them. Unfortunately, Life Grip was used right as Reaper activated their ultimate ability, rendering it completely useless as it wasn't able to do anything to the other team.

Hilariously, the Lifeweaver player is well aware of what they just did, with the Reaper player just standing there facing them in disappointment and surprise. As the enemy team approaches, the Lifeweaver player bows in an attempt to ask forgiveness though both players ultimately accept their fate without fighting back. As the comments noted, the enemy team is well aware of what went down and stood there for a moment before taking down both disappointed Overwatch 2 players.

Some people commenting, sensing the frustration in the Reaper player, offered some suggestions, hoping Blizzard would add a way to cancel a pull or perhaps just not work on a player using their ultimate. While ruining ultimates has been a calling card for many Lifeweaver players to this point, one Overwatch 2 user managed to turn the tables by enhancing Junkrat's ultimate by using Life Grip at the perfect time to jump a large gap and take out most of the enemy team.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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