Two Overwatch 2 players have teamed up as Cassidy and Lifeweaver to take down an entire enemy team with an air strike. The clip has since become a memorable moment among the Overwatch 2 community.

Overwatch 2 is home to many creative compositions and team ideas that can sometimes defy even the most well-established metas. The game's huge variety of characters allows for incredible hype-inducing moments where players think outside the box to defeat the opposition and unusually gain an advantage. The game also allows characters such as Cassidy to stand out at the right moment when other characters would struggle.

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The Overwatch 2 Reddit player Healsg00dMan shared this recent example of exemplary teamwork. The clip features a nano-boosted Cassidy charging his Ultimate while being pulled by Lifeweaver's Life Grip skill. Some other commenters pointed out that Cassidy could be flung up due to how Deadeye cancels the Life Grip while retaining the momentum of the skill, allowing the cowboy to take to the skies. The skill propelled Cassidy upward, giving him a much better angle to take down 4 out of 5 enemies, including the enemy Zenyatta, Tracer, Junkrat, and D.Va, who was out of her mech because she activated her own ultimate before Cassidy started his. The clip goes from amazing to comical as Cassidy gets knocked off the Eichenwalde bridge and into the chasm below.

Team-ups like this are very common in Overwatch 2, yet they still are incredible sights to behold when seen in action. Despite the game's tepid reception, the Overwatch 2 community has done exceptional feats by teaming up and taking down enemies creatively. Of course, these extraordinary moments require careful planning and clear communication between players as they are performed. This kind of team attack highlights what the Overwatch 2 spirit is all about and is expressed by the comments in the thread that congratulate both of the players involved in the combo for its flawless execution.

With the way players work together, Overwatch 2 shines with its community. Unfortunately, events such as the cancelation of parts of the game's PvE alongside the prices of the microtransactions have frustrated some Overwatch 2 fans. Despite this, the community still aims to make the best of what they have and work together to remain optimistic to provide the best moments to keep the game's spirit alive until the game improves.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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