With the recent reveal of a new character confirmed to be pansexual, Lifeweaver is the latest to expand LGBTQ+ representation throughout the roster of Overwatch 2 as the game continues to dedicate itself to every aspect of diversity. Though Overwatch had not led with its characters' sexualities or gender identities outright, it wasn't long until some were revealed to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and Overwatch 2 seems more committed to this end if Lifeweaver is to set a new standard. After all, with a breadth of characters reflecting everything from different ages, bodies disabilities, and even neurodivergence, then LGBTQ+ representation offers just as much potential.

However, given the broad scope of people that the LGBTQ+ community encompasses, the current Overwatch 2 roster seems to have only scraped the surface of the potential diversity it could explore. Though there are advantages and disadvantages to both downplaying or declaring a hero's sexuality or gender to best normalize these topics, it seems the current surge of bigotry targeting the LGBTQ+ community could prompt Blizzard to become more explicit in celebrating Overwatch 2's diversity and pride. This could mean that alongside its current LGBTQ+ characters, future heroes could be transmen and transwomen, non-binary, or even asexual and more.

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Tracer appearing in her outfit from Overwatch 1

Not only was Tracer one of the first heroes designed and introduced for the original Overwatch and could be seen as one of the franchise's most recognizable characters, but she was also the first hero to be confirmed to be lesbian. In the Overwatch comic titled "Tracer: Reflections," it is revealed that Tracer is currently dating her girlfriend Emily and that the pair had been together since before Overwatch's initial disbanding. Later confirmed to be a lesbian by lead writer Michael Chu via Twitter, it didn't seem to surprise fans due to uncertainty around Tracer's potentially coded design such as an androgynous hairstyle or career choice.

Soldier: 76

Overwatch 2, Soldier: 76 aiming weapon with glowing visor

The second hero to be revealed as part of the LGBTQ+ community was Soldier: 76, and incidentally this confirmation paralleled Tracer's own coming out and seemed to suggest Blizzard was exercising caution as it expanded Overwatch's representation. In the short story "Bastet" later verified by Chu once more, part of his backstory explored his military service during the Omnic Crisis where it was revealed Overwatch's Soldier: 76 was gay as he was romantically involved with another man named Vincent. However, unlike Tracer, the two split due to Soldier: 76's commitment to the military and so far appears to have remained single.



Lifeweaver's recent introduction to Overwatch 2 broke the mold on LGBTQ+ heroes in contrast to Tracer and Soldier: 76. With his overall concept taking significant influence from ideas of inclusivity and love, his pansexuality was a perfect characterization to factor into his design. Since pansexuality approaches sexuality on the basis of the person and not their sex or gender, Lifeweaver's support role as a healer and helping others is reflected in his similar love and affection for anyone regardless of how they might identify. Even his dialogue reflects his willingness to accept others, such as asking if Roadhog and Junkrat are literally a couple.


Overwatch 2, Baptiste

Though it is currently unconfirmed, following Lifeweaver's introduction to Overwatch 2, new dialogue interactions between him and other characters have hinted at other heroes also being potentially part of the LGBTQ+ community. Beyond Roadhog and Junkrat, interactions between Lifeweaver and Baptiste appear to be flirtatious with the latter indicating he would be open to the idea of dating another man. However, Baptiste's other dialogue seems to suggest an already cheeky personality such as his interaction with Ana where he compliments her beauty, so if Baptiste is confirmed as an LGBTQ+ hero then he will likely be revealed as bisexual.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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