Overwatch has always been known for its diverse hero skins and cosmetics, but one of Kiriko's legendary skins in Overwatch 2 has made many players unhappy. When the sequel to Overwatch launched on October 4, expectations for Blizzard's iconic hero shooter were tremendous – stoked by successful beta periods and the shutting down of Overwatch servers to make way for Overwatch 2. Unfortunately, fan reception has been lukewarm since the game's premiere, citing the game's lack of polish, a user interface downgrade, and aggressive monetization as Overwatch 2's biggest shortfalls.

When Blizzard Entertainment was creating Overwatch 2, the team did so knowing it would need to supplant its predecessor in an absolute way. To ensure a smooth transition for the players, the developers had to port all the original game's hero skins over to the sequel. There was one problem, though: the new heroes of Overwatch 2 needed their own skins to match. While a good bit of them have been fun variations on the original outfits for their respective heroes, some arguably fail to live up to the price tag Blizzard Entertainment is asking.

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An example currently critiqued by the Reddit community of Overwatch is Kiriko's Athleisure skin, with the topic initially broached by user Junochu. Namely, Kiriko's legendary skin commands a price tag of almost twenty dollars, yet only offers a coat on top of the default outfit. The thread has since amassed wide popularity on the subreddit, and it has become a platform for players to state their grievances with Overwatch 2's cosmetics.

Though it was pointed out that Overwatch 2 players could obtain a blue version of Kiriko's Athleisure outfit through Twitch drops, the underlying impression is that the new heroes, from Junker Queen to Sojourn, have a more grandiose epic skin than their legendary one – featuring custom weapons and more elaborate details. Though one cannot say why this has been the case, the lack of pizzazz and flair in the legendary skins could potentially be related to the introduction of mythic skins.

Mythic skins in Overwatch 2 bring further customization to its cosmetics system, allowing players to mix and match different armor pieces, weapons, and color schemes to create their ideal look. The currently featured mythic skin belongs to Genji, offering over fifty possible combinations to players. Though Genji currently has the only skin of this type, Blizzard Entertainment has promised that more mythic skins are on the way in the near future.

Overwatch 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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