
  • Overwatch 2 season 9 introduces major gameplay changes, like increased health pools and a new ability for damage heroes. However, because of these big adjustments, its Junkertown rework hasn't gotten the love it deserves.
  • Junkertown's rework showcases Blizzard's dedication to player feedback, with improved cover and sightlines enhancing the map, as well as a visual makeover with some impressive lighting.
  • The success of Junkertown's update will hopefully lead to more map reworks in Overwatch 2, as there are surely locations players would like to see enhanced.

Season 9 of Overwatch 2 shook things up with massive changes to the core gameplay, including increased health pools for all heroes and a new passive ability for damage characters. Additionally, the competitive ladder received a complete overhaul, resetting ranks and introducing a new tier above Grandmaster called Champion. Given the numerous changes that are now live in the hero-shooter, it's not surprising that Junkertown's rework is flying under the radar, though that does not mean it isn't great.

Despite several overhauls debuting during this season of Overwatch 2, Junkertown's rework is absolutely deserving of more recognition than it's been getting. The revitalization of the six-year-old map not only exemplifies Team 4's commitment to player feedback, but also treats players to a breathtaking nighttime version. While a handful of other settings, like Circuit Royale, have received time-of-day adjustments before, this is a first for the 2017 map.

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Junkertown's Rework Should Not Be Overlooked

Overwatch 2 Is Paying Attention To Its Player Feedback

A standout locale in Overwatch 2's roster, Junkertown serves well to immerse its players in the Australian wasteland. This escort map, featuring three capture points, is heralded as the iconic stomping grounds for characters like Junkrat, Junker Queen, and Roadhog. Its deep lore, displayed and hinted at around the map, even hints at future arrivals like Overwatch 2's Junker King, which has the potential to continue expanding the game's narrative.

Furthermore, the recent changes to the payload map should be a good indicator of the future. The willingness to revisit and improve older content, especially for a map released as the 23rd out of the current 36, demonstrates Overwatch 2's commitment to improving pain points of the past. According to the February 12 developer blog, Blizzard implemented additional cover and blocked sightlines on Junkertown's first point because "it can be tough for the offensive team to push the cart...if the defending team has a Widow or Pharah."

While other maps like Dorado in Overwatch 2 are infamous for first-point defense dominance, Junkertown hasn't been immune to this issue. As such, the alterations to its first point have been significant, considering that the attacking team now has several more barriers to take advantage of. For instance, while the cliffside path has shrunk in size, players can now find cover behind strategically placed cars, a water tower, and a small shack.

"While the cliffside path has shrunk in size, players can now find cover behind strategically placed cars, a water tower, and a small shack."

Junkertown's Changes Are a Good Sign For the Future


Junkertown's successful update shines light on numerous other Overwatch 2 maps that could benefit from a rework. The map's modifications, particularly the addition of cover, have undoubtedly improved the quality of matches on the escort map. This aligns with Blizzard's previous statement that the developers would like to make similar tweaks to other maps, as seen in the Season 5 Watchpoint Gibraltar update. For maps with difficult choke points or long sightlines, this promise should pay dividends in future patches.

While there are players who have expressed concerns about some of these map changes, these updates demonstrate Blizzard's ongoing efforts to refine its game. Perhaps Junkertown's success in Season 9 of Overwatch 2 will serve as a potential model for future adjustments, with Team 4 continuing to iterate based on player feedback. Hopefully, information regarding potential adjustments to other maps will be revealed in the near future.