With the launch of Overwatch 2 comes a number of new legendary skins, but some gamers are unhappy with one particular outfit for Junker Queen. First revealed in June, Junker Queen tank class, and she is one of the three new characters added to Overwatch 2, along with Sojourn and Kiriko.

As a tank, Junker Queen provides another option for the 5v5 format introduced in Overwatch 2. Boasting several impressive abilities, such as her Rampage Ultimate, she can be an asset in battle if used correctly. In addition to her moveset, Junker Queen's default appearance is quite notable. Unfortunately, it appears the character's new legendary skins are somewhat unimpressive.

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While adding new legendary skins for the new characters in Overwatch 2 sounds like a good thing, it appears that many gamers are disappointed with what they received. Specifically, a user known as BorrowedPen recently made a post on Reddit in which they pointed out that the legendary skin for Junker Queen left much to be desired. In the post, the Reddit user included a picture that featured two skins for the new tank character, and they challenged others on the platform to figure out which one was the legendary outfit.

Interestingly, the two skins seen in the image looked surprisingly similar to one another. While there were several minor differences, such as hair color and shoulder pad designs, most of the main features maintained the same theme, something BorrowedPen pointed out when posting the picture to Reddit. According to the Reddit user, the legendary skin could be replaced with the default skin, and no one would notice. In addition, numerous members of the Overwatch 2 community seemed to echo this sentiment, with the post gaining a whopping 28.2K upvotes in only a couple of days.

To make matters worse, BorrowedPen pointed out that the substantial amount of time needed to earn in-game currency made these less-than-impressive legendary skins even more frustrating. In fact, another gamer recently calculated the time it would take to gain enough Overwatch Coins for a legendary skin, claiming that it would take eight months. Alternatively, players could spend $20 to purchase the skin.

It will be interesting to see if Blizzard does anything to address this negative feedback regarding the new legendary skins in Overwatch 2. However, this is far from the only issue the developer has had to deal with surrounding the launch of the title. Following Overwatch 2's release, it had faced DDoS attacks and complications with extremely long queue times that prevented players from checking out the gameplay. Hopefully, Blizzard can begin addressing many of the problems fans are having with the game, such problems with cosmetics, in the coming days to improve the experience for new and returning fans of the series.

Overwatch 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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