
  • Overwatch 2's PvE missions bring lore and character development, with Ramattra set to be a big focus as the story continues.
  • Ramattra was arguably too sympathetic of a villain when he debuted, making it hard to root against him, but in Toronto he goes too far.
  • The introduction of Subjugators shows Ramattra treating his own people poorly, potentially setting up a disturbing endgame where he forces his fellow Omnics to fight for him.

Overwatch 2’s PvE missions have finally arrived, giving co-op fans and lore lovers alike something to enjoy within the hero shooter. While Overwatch 2’s Steam reviews show that many are still frustrated with the hero shooter, the first batch of missions indicate a bright future for the game. Pricing controversy and large gaps between mission drops aside, there is a lot to love within these levels, especially when it comes to the characters.

Not only do the new Overwatch 2 missions bring bits of lore that casual players may not know to the forefront, like Torbjorn’s relationship with Bastion, but they allow for on-screen character development since the story is finally moving forward. While Invasion sets up big things for Zenyatta, and several members of Overwatch since a larger version of the team is finally coming together, it is Ramattra who seems poised to change the most. With his goals being a bit too sympathetic, making him a proper villain was a must, which is exactly what has happened within Invasion.

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Overwatch 2’s Ramattra Going Too Far Was a Necessity


When Ramattra’s origin story was revealed, it was hardly a surprise that many supported the rebel, as he was hard to root against. Time and time again Blizzard has showcase how poorly Omnics are treated in the Overwatch universe, with humans being to blame for the sentient machines’ awful treatment. However, fans were only getting a piece of the puzzle when Ramattra debuted. Though his belief that humans must be forced to accept Omnic-kind is understandable, and even his violence can be justified, what he does in the Toronto mission shows that he has gotten out of hand.

During this Overwatch 2 co-op mission, players reunite with Sojourn, who is defending her hometown following the events of the “Calling” animated short. After entering the subway, players have to stand by and watch as an Omnic is shockingly grabbed by a machine called a Subjugator. This new Omnic puts a device on the civilian’s head that forces their body to go limp, with the Toronto citizen essentially being brain-dead.

After a visit to Torbjorn, players learn that the Subjugated Omnics are not in any pain. A less problematic reading of this device would see Ramattra making a way to neutralize the Omnics that do not join his uprising without hurting them, saving their lives as he slaughters humans. After the war, he could remove the devices and let them go, bringing them into a bright new world where Omnics are equal - or superior - to mankind. However, there is a far more disturbing angle to consider.

Overwatch 2’s Invasion missions do not reveal Ramattra’s plans for the sleeping Omnics, but a short story focusing on the Null Sector leader may hint at his endgame. In Ramattra: Reflections, Ramattra suggests that any Omnic who does not agree with his methods or does not want to join his fight should be forced to do so. This understandably shocks his allies, who leave his side in disgust. Though this is purely speculation, perhaps Ramattra has found a way to enslave any Omnics who stand against him, with the next batch of missions potentially revealing his endgame.

If Ramattra was simply fighting back against hateful humans who abused his people, many players may not support the fight against him, as Omnics have suffered enough. However, turning Ramattra into a character that is willing to strip the free will away from his fellow Omnics - literally turning them into the mindless machines that bigots view them as - means he needs to be taken down. It could also lead to some excellent character moments down the line, with Zenyatta possibly getting through to Ramattra and showing him how far he has fallen. From there, perhaps Ramattra could seek redemption like Hanzo or the new Support hero Illari. Regardless, Blizzard adding the Subjugators has helped turn Ramattra into an even more complex enemy, which is exactly what the story needed in order to work.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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