
  • Overwatch 2's "Invasion" update introduces highly-anticipated PvE missions that provide character development for famous heroes like Reinhardt.
  • Reinhardt takes a prominent role in all three of the available PvE missions, and Blizzard is careful to show off his flaws in addition to his heroism.
  • Reinhardt's grudges and lingering hatred for Omnics are on full display, as he nearly kills a civilian through carelessness and almost attacks Bastion. Challenging these views is a great way to develop Reinhardt's character.

Overwatch 2 recently welcomed its highly-anticipated Season 6, which marks a new era for the free-to-play title. Most notably, the update, which is officially dubbed "Invasion," has heralded the introduction of long-awaited PvE missions for the release. Only a handful of these PvE missions are currently available within Overwatch 2, though they give a fantastic glimpse into a small selection of the game's most famous heroes.

Overwatch 2's PvE can be used as a tool to portray some hard-hitting lore and character development that would otherwise be lost in standard PvP gameplay. Reinhardt in particular has benefited massively from the PvE missions, with his role showing complexity and flaws that speak more to his troubled background as a warrior and a man.

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Reinhardt's Appearances in Overwatch 2's Invasion PvE

Overwatch 2 Story Missions Reinhardt Tracer Mei Mercy Lucio

Reinhardt takes a huge role within the first released batch of Overwatch 2 PvE missions. As arguably one of the most recognizable heroes within the entire game, Reinhardt has long been a kind of face of the Overwatch brand, as is reflected within his PvE presence.

In all, Reinhardt is a playable hero for every single currently available PvE mission, with Blizzard clearly believing that the tank has enough narrative substance to be explored in detail through these missions. The quieter and more intimate hero roster of the PvE missions allows players to get a concentrated idea of what makes each hero tick, giving a more human glimpse into what can otherwise be a quite one-dimensional portrayal.

Reinhardt is a crusader, an elite group of German military personnel that don mech-like suits of armor to match the resilience of the Omnic forces that plague humanity within the Overwatch lore. The tank became a crusader at quite a young age, with Reinhardt's own cinematic painting the hero as an arrogant and foolish figure in his youth. With Reinhardt having lost many close friends and mentors to Omnic forces, the PvE missions give an uncharacteristically somber idea of Reinhardt's deeply-held grudges and regrets.

How Overwatch 2's PvE Humanizes Reinhardt


With Overwatch 2's PvE missions seeing heroes take on hordes of robotic Omnic armies, it is no wonder that Blizzard chose to feature Reinhardt so heavily in the first batch of experiences. These missions really showcase Reinhardt's lingering hatred for Omnics, as he carelessly attempts to rip off the subjugation device from an Omnic in Toronto - an act that could have killed the machine. Reinhardt acting like the Omnic is little more than a robot could shock some fans, especially those attached to characters like Zenyatta and Ramattra.

Additionally, the hero takes his anger out quite significantly on the beloved damage hero Bastion, nearly killing the Omnic. With Bastion being a salvaged Omnic unit turned good, it is no wonder that many human Overwatch heroes have a distrust for the hero. Reinhardt has some of the most first-hand experience with Omnics of all Overwatch 2's hero roster, especially this particular type, as he faced countless Bastion units in the past.

Reinhardt has no reservations in voicing his negative opinion of Omnics throughout the PvE missions, offering a stark contrast from his usual cheerful demeanor. In standard Overwatch 2 gameplay, Reinhardt is considered as an almost overly-jovial figure brimming with pride and a desire to protect his teammates. The Invasion missions do excellently to show behind this mask of positivity, confirming that Reinhardt has his own flaws and reservations like any other hero.

While dedicated fans will already be aware of Reinhardt's history through his lore cinematics, these missions give a more tangible in-game portrayal of the hero's background that a lot of players may have missed. By letting a much more human and flawed Reinhardt shine, Overwatch 2's PvE missions serve a deeper purpose, adding depth to an already-iconic hero.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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