
  • Season 7 of Overwatch 2, launching on October 10, is expected to bring a new map and hero balancing adjustments to fit the new metas of the game.
  • Sombra will receive some kind of rework and a brand-new ability in Season 7.
  • Heroes like Illari, Brigitte, Reinhardt, and Orisa are likely to receive changes in Season 7 to address issues with their gameplay and balance.

Season 7 of Overwatch 2 is set to launch on October 10, with many believing that the update will bring with it a brand-new map for the title as well as a wide range of hero balancing adjustments. An unusually high amount of heroes have been added to the release in recent months, only increasing the likelihood of Season 7 introducing many character changes to fit the new metas of the game.

Bar one hero, it is currently unknown which characters will face the most pressing changes in Season 7 of Overwatch 2, although a good guess can be made. When considering which heroes are currently being lambasted for their lack of in-game effectiveness or for their allegedly overpowered states, five heroes stand out as being key candidates for buffs or nerfs when Season 7 eventually launches.

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Overwatch 2 Season 7: Most Likely Hero Changes

overwatch 2 new heroes

It has been confirmed that the DPS hero Sombra will get changes at the launch of Season 7 of Overwatch 2, with Blizzard hinting that this may take the form of a comprehensive rework of the character. Many fans paint Sombra as one of the most gimmicky heroes in the game thanks to her focus as a flanking distraction, which has mixed effects when Tracer is arguably a more impactful pick for this kind of gameplay.

While the extent of Sombra's Season 7 rework is unknown, it has been confirmed that she will receive a brand-new ability, giving fans of the hero something to look forward to. Roadhog will also get updates in Overwatch 2 Season 7, although this will come with the mid-season update as opposed to from the outset of the in-game event.

As far as guessing which characters will also face changes in Season 7, it is hard to see the new support hero Illari not making the list. Many believed that Illari was extremely overpowered in her launch state to compensate for the poor reception of Lifeweaver, who was added not long beforehand. While Illari recently received some nerfs in time for her addition to Overwatch 2's competitive matchmaking, it is likely that Blizzard still has to make some tweaks to fully balance the hero in Season 7.

One of the most called-for changes in Overwatch 2's Season 7 concerns another support hero, Brigitte. She faced a spate of devastating nerfs last year that she hasn't recovered from; the removal of her shield bash stun significantly hampers the character. As so many other support heroes are dominating in-game usage, Season 7 would be perfect for a long-awaited buff to bring Brigitte up to speed.

Reinhardt is another hero that needs a buff, with other shield-wielding tank heroes like Sigma and Ramattra dominating player picks in OW2's current meta. It is clear that the tank needs better damage-dealing capability or an increased health-pool, and Season 7 could act on that.

Lastly, it is likely that the tank hero Orisa may face some slight nerfs in Season 7's overall balance changes. Orisa was reworked for Overwatch 2, and the tank has risen to become one of the most lethal choices in her once-controversial new state. The main allure of Orisa is her crowd controlling capabilities as well as her near-unparalleled survivability, and this could be targeted in Season 7. This would likely come in the form of a nerf to her Fortify ability.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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