A new video released by an Overwatch 2 fan compares the game’s graphics across its PS4, PS5, and Switch releases. The video looks at a number of different graphical features in Overwatch 2 across the three systems and gives gamers a good overview of how the tile will look on their console of choice. The comparison video comes as some console players are continuing to face problems connecting to Overwatch 2's servers, leaving them unable to play the recently released shooter.

Overwatch 2 is the sequel to Blizzard’s hit 2016 multiplayer hero shooter Overwatch, and has received decidedly mixed reviews from players since its release in early October. Although there have been the usual complaints about balance issues that come along with nearly every multiplayer shooter’s release, and some fans have stated that Overwatch 2 feels too floaty in comparison to its predecessor, the game has also been praised by some for its updates to the original game's winning formula. Overwatch 2 was designed to be scalable across a wide variety of hardware, and this new video shows just how well Blizzard succeeded at that goal.

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In the 12-minute video released on YouTube by user ElAnalistaDeBits, comparisons are shown of Overwatch 2’s performance in multiple areas including resolution, loading times, and framerate. For the PS5 version of the game, comparisons include the game running in Resolution, Balanced, and Performance mode. Although the PS5 enjoys a clear edge when it comes to things like loading times, loading a map in 5 seconds compared to 14-15 seconds on Switch and PS4, the PS4 and Switch releases manage to hold their own surprisingly well despite their aging hardware.

One of the biggest graphical differences between the three versions of Overwatch 2 can be seen in the game’s shadows, with the Switch release featuring few to no shadows from objects in the game world when compared to the PS4 and PS5 versions. The game features a new dynamic lighting system, which has led to some players complaining about sun glare blocking Overwatch 2's map, but many of these lighting improvements appear either absent or less evident on the Switch release. Differences can also be seen in the game’s reflections across different platforms, with the PS5 showcasing some impressive reflections on various surfaces, though these differences might escape many gamers’ notice as they’re frantically trying to push back the enemy team.

While there are definitely some graphical differences across platforms, Overwatch 2 remains a stunning game no matter which system players choose to enjoy it on. The game also features a nearly rock-solid framerate, whether it’s at the 30fps available on Switch or 120fps when running in Performance mode on PS5, ensuring dropped frames won’t keep players from enjoying the action. This comparison video shows that gamers are in for a visual treat regardless of where they choose to play Blizzard’s stylish and speedy shooter, which is good news for a game where it takes 5 years to unlock all of Kiriko's cosmetics.

Overwatch 2 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Overwatch 2: What Happens in the Kiriko Animated Short