With Overwatch 2 now available, players can jump into ranked and start testing their mettle against others in the game. With that said, you'll want to utilize each Hero in the most effective way to deconstruct your enemies' attack and defense. The release of the new game brought 3 new characters to the game, giving us the opportunity to experiment with new play styles and abilities.

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Using meta-focused team compositions can get tedious at times, and good teams can easily read your plays after a good amount of experience. That said, you may want to use some underutilized combos to throw off the enemy and help your team win the match.

5 Sigma And Widowmaker

Overwatch 2 Sigma and Widowmaker

With the most recent Overwatch patch, Widowmaker got a great buff which makes her DPS output even greater. This buff gives her the ability to deal out her maximum damage shot more often. This makes her synergy with other heroes even more deadly. Sigma can provide awesome support for Widow with his shield and rock-throw ability. The shield will give Widow the freedom to gain better lines of sight on the enemy without compromising her health. Sigma can also utilize his rock throw to suppress pouncing enemies from flanking Widowmaker during a fight.

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As Sigma is in the tank role, this still allows your support characters to focus on your other DPS player giving you a multi-pronged attack. These heroes also have great ultimate synergy. With Widowmaker marking all the targets on the battlefield, Sigma can time his ultimate really well to keep the enemies grouped.

4 Zarya And Moira

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Zarya and Moira may seem like an unlikely pairing, as a support hero like Lucio may be better equipped to allow Zarya to push aggressively and with speed. However, Moira and Zarya can work well together as Moira can heal the team as well as deal damage, whilst Zarya can supply a shield to help them both escape tricky situations after an aggressive push.

These heroes' ultimate synergy can also make for a deadly combo, with Zarya bringing all the enemies close and Moira dealing a lot of damage with her Ultimate beam. As mentioned before, if you would rather use Lucio in the place of Moira you can also create a deadly combo. However, you do miss out on Moira's deadly damage capabilities and an ultimate that pairs well with Zarya's ultimate ability.

3 Soldier 76 And Baptiste

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Soldier 76 and Baptiste have great synergies across multiple abilities. As long as these two stay together in a fight they can excel using their area abilities. As both of these heroes use hit scan abilities (not a projectile) they excel in focus attacks and can be used to take out fast-moving and difficult-to-hit enemies such as Pharah, Echo, and Mercy.

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Although Baptiste can't self-heal using his primary healing ability, Soldier can help, with some reliance, using his healing aura to keep him in the fight both dealing damage and supporting the rest of the team. This also means you won't have to rely on extra support to help this deadly duo, you can play slightly further away from your team, creating some also angles to choke your enemies. By pairing your ultimates and taking the high ground, you can create a deadly damage phase in which Soldier utilizes the damage advantage and help the team push.

2 Roadhog And Kiriko

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Kiriko is one of the three new heroes added to the game at the launch of Overwatch 2. As a support, Kiriko can heal others on the team whilst dealing a good amount of damage with her throwing knives. Paired with Roadhog, Kiriko can excel due to his extremely high health and hook ability. Roadhog can bring the enemy team to a very close range whilst Kiriko deals a lot of critical damage using her knives. This is especially effective on Tanks, as taking this player out the game can leave the rest of the team very exposed.

We may see Kiriko get a nerf very soon, but she will still be extremely effective at dealing critical damage and helping roadhog with his tank role. Unfortunately, the ultimate synergy isn't great here, but this does allow both players to take a break from each other and deal damage separately.

1 Baptiste And Zenyatta

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This may seem like a strange combo as two supports don't usually pair well as a combo. However, Baptiste and Zenyatta especially bring some special capabilities that make them a sophisticated and deadly pair. Both of these heroes have the ability to deal a good amount of damage as long as you're accurate. With Zenyatta's Orbs, he can increase the amount of damage the team does to an enemy whilst providing healing for the entire team. Baptiste is very similar, in that he can deal huge amounts of damage whilst keeping the team alive.

By pairing Zenyatta and Baptiste's ultimate, you can create a deadly team damage phase with an invincibility zone and increased damage through the Amplification Matrix that Baptiste provides. If you play in a duo, this can be a fun way to fulfill both support roles for your team. You can really benefit everyone with healing whilst playing as a deadly duo that the enemy may not expect from non-DPS heroes.

Overwatch 2 is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC

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