Overwatch 2 may be divisive with gamers, but one aspect of the sequel that everyone seems to be pleased with is the new heroes. Sojourn’s rewarding railgun shots ensure that she is extremely dangerous in the right hands, with her slides also giving her some unique traversal options. Junker Queen perfectly fits the new 5v5 format, excelling in the Tank role due to her aggressive play style and bleed damage.

Blizzard has told fans that one more hero will be coming to Overwatch 2 once the game launches, and the hero in question will end up in the Support role. Fans have also seen the character’s fox ability used, though plenty of mystery remains beyond that. However, even with no name for the character yet and no look at their design, fans know enough to piece together what they could be like.

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How The Fox Hero’s Pet Could Provide Support

overwatch 2 fox

With the fox appearing in a recent Overwatch 2 trailer, fans know that it will be a spectral, ghost-like figure instead of a real fox. This is important, as it means that the fox will be somewhat magical like Hanzo and Genji’s Ultimate abilities. It also gives players an idea of how the fox could be handled in-game, as it could appear out of nowhere and phase through allies and enemies alike. When this happens, perhaps the fox will damage foes and heal teammates, similar to how Moira’s Ultimate ability simultaneously inflicts damage and heals.

While players may be able to send out the fox to provide heals and dish out damage, perhaps an Ultimate ability will see multiple foxes spawning or a single fox splitting into pieces to heal and damage everyone in the surrounding area. The fox could also pick up and carry health packs to the team, removing the chance for enemies to use this source of healing while providing big chunks of health quickly. Since it can be assumed that most of the healing will come directly from this fox, the damage could all come from the new Support hero herself, who will likely wield a sword based on her origin story.

The Fox Hero Can Be One of Two Characters


Several months ago, Blizzard released a seemingly random bit of lore about the Yamagami family. A husband, wife, and daughter, the Yamagamis ran a sword shop, with Asa being a master swordmaster and Toshiro being a skilled blacksmith. While things went well for these two blade experts for some time, and Asa even trained Hanzo and Genji in the use of swords, eventually Toshiro was captured by a rival gang called the Hashimoto Clan.

While Toshiro was forced to make weaponry for the Shimada Clan’s foes, he was still communicating with his wife through letters. During these exchanges, Asa mentions that shipments were being stolen by an unknown party. In an attempt to find out who was behind the thievery, she mentions going to a fox shrine to make an offering, hoping that she will get some guidance in return. This is where the lore stops, though it can be assumed that the ethereal fox debuts shortly after this shrine visit.

While Asa is the most likely candidate for the fox hero since she mentions going to this shrine, there is a chance that her unnamed daughter could take on this role. After all, she could be the one stealing the weaponry from the shop, building an arsenal to rescue her father Toshiro. Regardless of whether the mother or daughter gets the abilities, though, fans can expect this backstory to be mentioned in the fox hero’s dialogue and in a potential Overwatch 2 animated short.

Overwatch 2 launches on October 4 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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