The over-the-top, hero-driven multiplayer gameplay of Overwatch 2 lends itself to the chaotic, back-and-forth matches where momentum can swing from one team to another on a dime, as one Lucio player's gunfight with an opposing Roadhog shows. On paper, most players may think the Roadhog handily wins the fight being a tank against a support-class hero in Lucio, as the tank absorbs more damage and hits harder than the healer. This Lucio player, though, knew how to use the character's abilities and the map they were on to snatch a small win from the jaws of defeat at the hands of the opposing team's tank.

Blizzard released Overwatch 2's multiplayer in October 2022, bringing with it a few notable changes to the competitive multiplayer, team-based hero shooter from the original Overwatch. A few of the changes included reducing team sizes from six to five, introducing a new core game mode in Push, and ditching the first game's loot boxes in favor of a seasonal battle pass model. The sequel also brought with it a swath of changes to the roster of heroes, with some heroes undergoing full reworks such as Doomfist being changed from a DPS hero to a tank.

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Two heroes who didn't jump classes, though, were the aforementioned Lucio and Roadhog whose back-and-forth during a Push match on Colosseo was shared on Reddit for players to see. The clip was shared by user NotEvenCreative on the Overwatch subreddit, showcasing how the Lucio was able to score a small win over Roadhog after nearly getting thrown off the map by said tank. Creative's Lucio is able to wall-ride up the edge of the map without the Roadhog realizing before the latter gets blasted off the map in return thanks to Lucio's soundwave.

In some players' eyes, Creative's clip could serve as a near perfect encapsulation of Overwatch 2 and why the series remains popular despite the sequel releasing roughly six years after the first game. The game follows many of the typical trends players can find in most hero- or class-based shooters where it is important to have a balanced team composition and potential answers for whatever the opposing team has on hand. However, Blizzard appeared to give most of the heroes enough flexibility where, under the right circumstances, the seemingly-weaker hero such as Lucio can still win a one-on-one fight against a stronger hero.

It is hardly the first clip to highlight this idea, either, especially in the wake of all the reworks and balancing done to coincide with Overwatch 2's release. A similar clip involves a player managing to clinch a match while playing as Mercy, widely regarded as one of the weaker healers in terms of dealing and taking damage. The clip shows how under the right circumstance with the right order and combination of abilities a weaker hero such as Mercy can be as effective as the best DPS heroes in the game.

Overwatch 2 is currently available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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