The Overwatch 2 beta’s second run has given many players a better look at what is to come with the multiplayer’s public release in October. Along with adding the newest hero, Junker Queen, there are many noticeable changes when comparing Overwatch 2 to its predecessor. Fans are well aware of the developer’s decision to change the Tank role into a brawler, and the results of this change are becoming apparent in the beta.

Tanks used to generally be shield-bearing guardians who would be able to absorb damage for the rest of the team. Most of the Tanks in Overwatch had some type of shield and most successful team compositions required at least one Tank to be utilizing their shield for most of the match. Overwatch 2 is attempting to break the cycle of the constant need for shields by decreasing the total amount of Tank heroes on the field and removing the shields entirely from some heroes' kits. For better or worse, the beta has given players a glimpse of how the new Tank role operates.

RELATED: Overwatch 2's Junker Queen Feels Like an Improved Roadhog

Pros of Fewer Shields in Overwatch 2


The main reason Blizzard wanted to change the team layout of Overwatch 2 is to create a more aggressive dynamic and lessen the amount of encounters in which teams were held behind multiple shields. Essentially the developers wanted matches to have more of a back-and-forth, keeping the game and the players in constant motion. The solution was to reduce take away one of the Tank characters that could create a stand-still with a shield.

The Overwatch 2 beta is showing that teams are being more aggressive and matches tend to move very quickly. The single Tank on each team can choose to either be one of the few remaining characters who have a shield or be one of the more aggressive Tank heroes. The addition of Junker Queen and Doomfist to the Tank roster has given players many options to choose from, most of which now act as a character who can disrupt the enemy team and deal solid damage, which is exactly what the developers wanted from the new role.

Players who enjoy the Tank role should no longer feel obligated to choose a shield character and spend the entire match blocking enemy damage. In fact, Tank players are encouraged to be aggressive and engage the enemy team along with their teammates. Since most Tanks have now been granted more abilities designed to deal damage, many Tank players will be able to feel like they are participating in a real way in Overwatch 2.

Cons of Fewer Shields in Overwatch 2

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Even though Tanks are now being redesigned to act as damage dealers, many players find it beneficial to use shield-bearing Tanks and were able to balance defensive and offensive skills in the original Overwatch. The key to effectively playing as a shield Tank in the original game was the player’s ability to know when to block and when to attack, which is still a viable skillset in the sequel but is even more crucial and difficult to achieve when there is only one Tank to rely on.

To go along with the smaller team sizes, Overwatch 2 is encouraging an aggressive playstyle with more frequent battles between teams, which means keeping teammates alive will be more crucial than ever. Though it is up to the Support players to heal injured teammates, the Tanks also play a role in ensuring their teammates stay protected during each skirmish. With fewer Tanks and shields and with more Tanks being encouraged to enter and fray and utilize offensive abilities, many weaker or slower characters could find themselves in vulnerable positions with no shield-bearing teammate to rely on for protection.

Overwatch 2’s goal is to change up the dynamic of the hero-shooter and create a different experience when compared to its predecessor, and the beta is proof that players must adjust their playstyles to fit the new game. Though the new Tank role is only one of the many new changes coming to Overwatch 2, the noticeably fewer shields are proving to be one of the most substantial changes on the battlefield.

Overwatch 2 will launch in early access on October 4 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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