A newly discovered Overwatch 2 exploit lets players leave the play space of the Oasis map, showing how large and detailed the area actually is. Unlike its predecessor, Overwatch 2 leans heavily into the live service model, with a fully stocked microtransaction store, constant updates, and a seasonal model which comes with a battle pass, challenges, and content. While the system change hasn't always sat well with Overwatch 2 players, the game is at least constantly updated with things to do.

However, like other live service style titles like Destiny 2, constant updating does leave the game open to new bugs and glitches finding their way into the experience. Some are fairly harmless such as visual glitches, though on occasion, a game breaking issue can find its way in like a recent Overwatch 2 bug that prevented players from unlocking new heroes. Players recently discovered a new exploit, allowing them to leave the Oasis map which lead to a surprising discovery.

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The Oasis map, originally added to the original Overwatch, features an exploit that allows players to leave the Control area to get a greater view of the region. Surprisingly, Oasis is much bigger than it appears as a player named Birnendealer posted a couple screenshots of a larger world view after they escaped the play space using Pharah. To the surprise of many people in the comments, the Overwatch 2 Oasis map is an actual massive oasis as the futuristic city sits on top of a lush and fertile location surrounded by a huge and sprawling desert.

Players were also impressed with the little touches Blizzard added in, especially to sections that aren't likely to be seen during a match. Flying through the sky reveals flying vehicles, a busy highway system, and even boats moving through the water.

A video by TeamColtra reveals how easy it is to leave the Overwatch 2 map as Pharah, finding a particular wall to climb up and fly through what appears to be a missing world border. The player can even visit the other smaller maps as well. According to others in the comments, this is an exploit that has been fixed multiple times, but seems to consistently find its way back into the game.

Fan and player discovery has been a major piece of Overwatch 2 both with things Blizzard intended and may not have considered. Character synergy has also been a big focus of the community with one of the most recent combinations being Cassidy and Lifeweaver. Both players teamed up to take down the entire enemy team as a Nano-boosted Cassidy triggered Deadeye just as Lifeweaver's Life Grip flung him into the air for an aerial strike.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Overwatch 2: Complete Guide to Heroes (And Other Tips and Tricks)

Source: Streamable