
  • Blizzard teased upcoming battle pass themes for Overwatch 2's 2024 seasons, including Eldritch Horror, Mirror Universe, and Egyptian mythology, which could bring exciting new skins.
  • Several Overwatch heroes, such as Orisa, Ramattra, Wrecking Ball, Reaper, and Mercy are perfect choices for new cosmetic skins based on the Egyptian theme.
  • These heroes could get skins based on gods and goddesses like Set, Tawaret, and Sekhmet, with Marvel's version of Khonshu being a good choice for a crossover skin.

At Blizzcon 2023, Blizzard provided Overwatch 2 fans with a clear outline for the future. A new game mode called Clash was unveiled, which sounds as if it will play like the War mode from Call of Duty: World at War. Its first map will be a redesigned version of Hanamura, a fan favorite 2CP location that gamers have been wanting to see make a comeback for years. Beyond that, fans got a chance to play Mauga ahead of his Season 8 debut and provide feedback that has resulted in buffs, with Season 10’s hero Venture showcased and Season 12’s in-development hero also teased. In addition to all of this, multiple battle pass themes were touched on.

Blizzard has revealed what some of Overwatch 2’s 2024 seasons will be based on, and going by the concepts, some delightful skins are sure to release. The Eldritch Horror theme will hopefully bring more skins that are on par with Zenyatta’s fan favorite Cultist design, while the Mirror Universe theme is one that fans have requested for a while, as it will be interesting to see good heroes becoming evil and vice versa. For Egyptian mythology, Blizzard likely has a guaranteed hit on its hands, as its Greek god skins were excellent, and Bastet Ana and Anubis Pharah are proof that the theme can work. While there will surely be more than 5 skins, the following characters would be perfect choices for cosmetics.

Overwatch 2's Recent Update Makes One Mythic Skin Option Viable Again

Overwatch 2 has made a lot of changes in the way of balancing and reworks recently, putting one hero in a prime position for a coveted Mythic skin.

Orisa - Taweret

Taweret is one of the most recognizable Egyptian goddesses due to her unique appearance. The goddess of childbirth and fertility was all about protection, an appropriate goal considering that Orisa was built to protect the people of Numbani. Essentially a giant hippo that walks on its hind legs and has some features of a lion and crocodile, using Orisa to give Tawaret a robotic makeover could be interesting, and it would surely make for one of Orisa’s most striking designs.

Ramattra - Set

As one of Overwatch 2’s newer heroes, Ramattra could definitely use more skins. Fortunately, the upcoming Egyptian pass could provide one. While the Greek-themed season that introduced Battle for Olympus saw him becoming Poseidon, this time he can look like Set. A god of foreigners, violence, and disorder, he fits Ramattra to a T, with the god even depicted wielding a staff like the popular Tank hero. Since Ramattra is an Omnic, his face could easily be swapped out for an aardvark-like head, and the Egyptian garb would be a natural progression from the hero’s base aesthetic.

Wrecking Ball - Sphinx

Taking a break from Gods and Goddesses, Wrecking Ball’s mech could surely make for a fun skin. Players have seen it transforming into a submarine, a snowman, a pumpkin, and so on, showing that Blizzard is willing to get creative with its appearance. Making it into a giant sphinx head would be hilarious, while the design could feel complete if Hammond is given a Nemes head cloth that lets him better fit the Egyptian aesthetic.

Reaper - Khonshu

While Blizzard may need to partner with Marvel in an official capacity to make this design happen, its plans to have more Overwatch 2 collaborations in 2024 suggest it could happen. Given Reaper’s skull mask, Khonshu and the shotgun-wielding Damage hero are a match made in heaven. Some gold guns with moon symbols could be accompanied by a mummy-like outfit and a floating bird skull head, with the Calavera skin proving that a floating head would be viable.

An Overwatch 2 Moon Knight crossover could also see Genji getting a Mythic skin based on the character, with his shuriken swapped out for Marc Spector’s crescent darts. It could even be a mythic, with players unlocking pieces of the Mr. Knight style in addition to the hooded look.

Mercy - Sekhmet

While a recent Mercy rework idea would have the character leaning into Sekhmet’s goddess of war status, Sekhmet suits the existing Mercy just fine due to her role as a goddess of healing. Another staff-wielding member of Egyptian mythology, Mercy’s signature healing tool would not need to be adjusted much at all, instead just being given a redesign to suit the aesthetic. The main attraction of the skin would be the lioness head, something that would make the outfit feel different from Angela Ziegler’s many other skins, and Blizzard could even remove all human aspects of her design to create something like Assassin's Creed Origins' version of the character.

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Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is Blizzard's free-to-play team-based first-person shooter. The title features some new heroes like Junker Queen and Sojourn, as well as returning favorites.