It is no secret that Overwatch 2 is making some massive changes to its roster due to the switch to 5v5 gameplay. Sombra looks stronger than she has ever been, Reinhardt will get to be more aggressive, and Bastion has essentially become a new hero due to the sheer number of changes. Most recently, Doomfist’s transformation into a Tank was confirmed.

Obviously, this is a massive change for the hero, with the melee-focused Damage character playing nothing like a Tank in his current form. While it remains to be seen if Overwatch 2 fans will approve of this change, it is more proof that Blizzard is willing to completely reimagine characters so that they better fit the sequel’s landscape. With this in mind, there are a few other heroes that should move away from their current roles.

RELATED: Overwatch 2: The Pros and Cons of Turning Doomfist Into a Tank

Making Mei a Tank in Overwatch 2

overwatch mei play of the game

While Overwatch 2’s Mei rework seems to be a step in the right direction, as it takes away her frustrating ability to freeze enemies in their tracks, an argument can be made that she is still in the wrong role. Mei has more survivability than just about any damage hero, as her ability to make walls, freeze herself, and heal ensures that she can contest points for longer than a vast majority of the hero roster.

With Mei able to survive for as long as some of Overwatch’s Tanks, perhaps it would be worth putting her in this category. Obviously, she would need to be a lot larger than she currently is so that she matches the size of the game’s other Tanks, something that could be accomplished through a mech version of Snowball or an icey suit of armor that Mei makes for herself. With the ability to craft walls already being Tank-like, she could be a solid fit for the role.

Making Wrecking Ball a Damage Hero in Overwatch 2


While it is easy to imagine Tanks like Sigma and Orisa carrying an entire team in Overwatch 2, it is far more difficult to picture the off Tanks thriving in the new environment. Even more so than D.Va and Roadhog, Wrecking Ball seems unlikely to work as a team leader. Hammond and his hamster ball mech are all about mobility, with the character constantly being away from their team to contest or fight on the point.

How the rework for Wrecking Ball will look is anyone’s guess, though if he exits the Tank category, it becomes much easier to picture the changes. As a Damage character, he could do many of the same things that he does now, with the key difference being that Wrecking Ball’s guns would deal more damage at the cost of the hero having a lot less health. With Hammond players needing another Tank to thrive, it seems like the only way to maintain the hero’s current style is to switch up his role.

Making Echo a Support Hero in Overwatch 2

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Rounding out the list is Echo, a hero that many Overwatch fans wanted to be a Support character before she was officially confirmed. Unfortunately, that did not turn out to be the case, with Echo instead being an interesting Damage hero. However, Overwatch 2 will provide Blizzard with an opportunity to give fans what they wanted from Echo. Her Focusing Beam could be a healing tool that provides more health the lower a teammate’s health pool is, for example. Her Ultimate ability could also be adjusted so that she could replicate the abilities of any other healer in the game instead of just copying a character from the enemy team.

Obviously, all these changes are just hypothetical, as it remains to be seen which other characters will be changed and how significant those adjustments will be. Fortunately, Overwatch 2’s beta is right around the corner, so fans will have a chance to test out the currently announced reworks while making requests for other significant changes.

Overwatch 2 is currently in development for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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