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Many fans of Doomfist in the first Overwatch will be disappointed by what has happened to him in Overwatch 2. He's changed dramatically, now capable of far less damage and mobility than what he was able to do before. Being made a tank instead of a DPS, his tanking isn't noticeably too much better either.

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Does this mean Overwatch 2 is just a downgrade? Not exactly. With one fewer tank in the mix, the games feel more like deathmatches. Luckily for Doomfist, these deathmatch games swing wildly in his favor. While other tanks will be turtles up, Doomfist will be winning by playing offense.


Overwatch 2 Doomfist Rocket Punching Forward

Doomfist should be in a state of attack and retreat. He doesn't have the health pool to keep pushing the action, but he substitutes this with a quick strike that moves him to the middle of the action, a temporary shield to absorb blows, and either a counterstrike or escape.

His defining ability is a punch that pushes opponents away. This can be used to either push a foe into a bad position or take a dangerous foe and send them away from the action. Those who argue that Doomfist isn't one of the best tanks in the game likely haven't mastered how to handle this situation yet.


Overwatch 2 Doomfist Abilities

Hand Cannon

  • Short-range weapon with spread. Reloads automatically.

Although Doomfist is not one of the easiest characters to use, his primary weapon is simple enough. The shotgun blast is very short-range and doesn't hurt much, but it is sustainable. Gamers don't need to stop and reload as shots are automatically generated over time.

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Seismic Slam

  • Leap and smash the ground.

This is like a condensed version of what Winston does. It has nowhere near the height, but the damage isn't too bad and the move is far quicker to execute. The cooldown is moderate, but when timed properly it should be ready to go if players need to exit combat after taking a beating.

Power Block

  • Protect yourself from frontal attacks. Blocking heavy damage empowers rocket punch.

Just ask Sigma players, being able to absorb damage at crucial junctures is as good or better than having a large health pool. Unlike Sigma, who converts this absorbed damage to defense, Doomfist gets a strong offensive boost for his Rocket Punch.

Rocket Punch

  • Hold to charge then release to charge forward and knock an enemy back. Damage increases if the enemy hits a wall.

The charge-up time makes this move difficult to land. But with a great combo or against heroes with less mobility, this will knock send them flying backward. Rocket Punch can be powered up in two ways, by having the opponent hit a wall or by charging it with absorption from Power Block. If it's both charged and the enemy hits a wall, the damage is often lethal.

The Best Defense

  • Passive: Dealing damage with abilities creates temporary personal health.

The key to surviving as a tank with Doomfist is to be dealing bursts of damage to simulate a large health pool. By jumping in, firing four shotgun blasts, absorbing damage, then punching a target into a wall, Doomfist feels like an unkillable monster.

Meteor Strike

  • Leap up into the air. Aim a targeting circle and then strike down in the area.

Doomfist's ultimate has more utility than might ordinarily be expected. He can use it to escape certain death and crash on top of a weak opponent for a quick kill and some extra healing. He can initiate with it on top of a group of enemies for an unreal life pool. Or he can use it when a low-health target thinks they've escaped.

Tips & Tricks

Overwatch 2 Doomfist Using A Shotgun To Kill Orisa

Doomfist may be the worst character in the entire game if he doesn't land his moves with high accuracy. His health pool is low and damage output is negligible enough that if he's not chaining shots together, he's little more than an annoyance. Take smart shots against the game's best DPS heroes and make them count.

Be careful not to punch away vulnerable enemies. In a head-on punch, send tanks flying back. But if Doomfist leaps behind the frontlines, try to push a weaker target forward. Even if it's not charged or won't hit a wall, count on the team to pick off these out-of-position targets.


Overwatch 2 Doomfist Teaming Up To Take Down A Tank
  • Mei

Since Doomfist sacrifices some tanking to deal damage, it makes sense that having a DPS character that helps tank is in order. Mei's created ice walls can guarantee that any enemy Doomfist hits will smack into something. Facto in the slow effects and she's basically the perfect teammate.

RELATED: Overwatch 2: Winston Guide (Tips, Abilities, And More)

  • Brigitte

Players who are new to the franchise will admit Brigitte's assistance as a rare frontline support hero. Aside from taking over some shield duties, she assists Doomfist by pushing stunned targets around. When coordinated, Doomfist can have a charged-up Rocket Punch ready to go.

  • Junkrat

The Steel Trap will immobilize opponents, setting them up for a fully charged punch, even if Doomfist hasn't started charging when the trap first goes off. Doomfist's chaos up front is helpful for Junkrat, who can lob grenades into the fray.

  • Lucio

When it comes to attacking the enemy's frontline, some heroes take the long and arduous process of attacking it down. Lucio and Doomfist team up to bump the line back. This is a way to manufacture victories on certain missions to prevent the opposing team from reaching the point.

  • Echo

It should be clear that Doomfist doesn't have the power to finish the job as he once did as a DPS hero. But Echo turns these potential escapes into free kills with a move that deals damage based on how much health enemies are missing. If she attacks whoever Doomfist just hit, she'll rack up some easy kills.

Advantages & Counters

Overwatch 2 Doomfist Strength And Weakness

Doomfist is strongest at bumping enemies that don't like being bumped. Heroes like Winston, Brigitte, and Reaper need to be in close to be effective. Bastion's attacks can be absorbed quickly by Doomfist to feed his Rocket Punch. Doomfist's most violent counter is Ashe as he can absorb her ultimate's attacks and then punch the ultimate into a useless location.

As one of the best support heroes around, Lucio team up well with Doomfist but is also great against him, knocking him around and messing up his charges. D. Va and Pharah also have bumps. Echo and other aerial units are really out of Doomfist's ability to strike. Finally, Roadhog counter Doomfist badly, hooking him anytime he even thinks about charging up a strike.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.