
  • Trials of Sanctuary introduces replayable PvE content, which is a feature that Overwatch 2 players want more of. Its fun gameplay and the ability to grind for rewards or have chaotic fun with friends make it a delight to play.
  • To keep PvE-only players engaged, Overwatch 2 should consider making replayable PvE content a permanent feature. This could help boost player engagement, as the game's overall player engagement is declining.
  • While permanent replayable PvE content would be ideal, it may be challenging for the development team to allocate resources with the already busy schedule of creating revenue-generating story missions, new heroes, and maps for the game. Seasonal events, like Trials of Sanctuary, can help temporarily fulfill the need for PvE content.

Overwatch 2 kicked its PvE content into full gear when it released its first set of story missions with Invasion back in August 2023. While players need to buy these features to access them, there are free PvE events that everyone can access, like the recently released Trials of Sanctuary. This four-player co-op game mode plays similarly to previous PvE missions. Players are loving the mode so far, and it’s partially because it has a feature that all Overwatch 2 PvE content should probably implement moving forward.

Trials of Sanctuary is part of Overwatch 2’s Halloween Terror 2023 event. Players can choose from six different Overwatch 2 heroes inspired by the Diablo series, which include recently-released characters like Lifeweaver and Illari, who are dressed up as a Cleric and Nightraven, respectively. Players can pick up various power-ups like treasure chests that improve stats like attack power and health, and epic weapons that equip the hero with powerful new skills. They face off against demonic villains like Lilith Moira and Azmodan Wrecking Ball. The fan-favorite Overwatch 2 seasonal game mode Junkenstein’s Revenge also returns to the Halloween Terror game mode roster, which will last until November 1, 2023.

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Trials of Sanctuary’s Replayability Should be a Standard for Overwatch 2 PvE


There’s a lot to love about Trials of Sanctuary, from the opportunity to try out the cool new Diablo-themed Overwatch 2 hero skins to the fun power-ups that let one shred through hoards of Zomnics like a hot knife through butter. As such, it’s a delight that this PvE event is replayable. Players can easily sink hours into repeated runs of Trials of Sanctuary to grind for rewards or just have pure chaotic fun with friends. It’s this replayability feature that players miss from a lot of Overwatch 2’s PvE content. There just isn’t enough of these kinds of replayable modes to tide players from one story mission to another, and it’s especially true for those who don’t care much about the game’s core PvP mode.

If the Overwatch 2 team wants to keep its PvE-only players engaged, they could make replayable PvE content permanent. It doesn’t have to be just Trials of Sanctuary. The devs and designers could extract the same gameplay with a different theme, power-ups, and rewards to freshen things up. However, this is easier said than done. Permanently replayable PvE content is a big commitment, as the team is already busy with its revenue-generating story missions. There’s also work involving new heroes that come out every season, as well as new maps.

Then again, allocating some resources to short, replayable PvE content could pay off if they entice players to log in consistently. After all, Overwatch 2's player engagement is declining. Even people who were big fans of the game in its heyday are only checking out the new limited content for a few days and then signing off until the next season.

For now, players can make do with the seasonal events to whet their appetite for PvE content. By the looks of it, Blizzard will keep the streak of releasing game modes like this month’s Trials of Sanctuary and the previous Underworld event going with each new season. As such, PvE-only players can expect to get a new game mode on top of the beloved Yeti Hunt for the new Winter Event that the devs referenced in their Overwatch 2 2023 Roadmap.

Overwatch 2 is available now on the Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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