One Tracer player discovers a way to counter Cassidy during a game of Overwatch 2, and they manage to pick up an impressive highlight in the process. While every hero in Overwatch 2 comes with an assortment of abilities to use in battle, some are more annoying than others, making this new trick good to know about for Tracer players.

One of these abilities that some consider frustrating to fight against is Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade. This Tactical replaced the character’s Flash Bang from the original Overwatch. Despite being able to stun opponents with Flash Bang, Cassidy’s new ability might be even more annoying. It does a total of 131 damage and can be easy to connect with targets. While many fans debate the effectiveness of Magnetic Grenade in Overwatch 2, one gamer has come up with at least one potential counter.

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In a post on Reddit, a user known as Deva_Way shared a recent highlight they captured from a game on the Oasis map in Overwatch 2. The gamer discovered an intriguing way of countering Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade while playing as Tracer. The clip began with the Reddit user rounding a corner near the objective on the University section of the map. As they moved around the side of the wall, they noticed a Cassidy player who wasted no time in sticking them with a Magnetic Grenade.

While this would have spelled doom for the already weak Tracer player, they acted fast and did something that the Cassidy player did not anticipate. They blinked forward directly in front of Cassidy and quickly used Recall to retreat before the enemy could shoot them. This caused the Magnetic Grenade to drop at the feet of their opponent. Unfortunately for the enemy, the grenade went off before they had time to react, eliminating them. In addition to showing the clip in real-time, Deva_Way shared the play slowed down in the replay viewer, showing the action from an overhead perspective.

When posting the clip to Reddit, Deva_Way jokingly said, "How to assert dominance as tracer.” Since sharing the ingenious way of countering Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade, many gamers claimed they never knew that using Recall as Tracer caused objects, such as Magnetic Grenade, to fall off. In addition, numerous fans have been making jokes about the clip. “Here, you dropped something,” one user quipped.

Interestingly, this clever counter to Cassidy’s Magnetic Grenade comes as players recently learned that Tracer is glitched in Overwatch 2. Currently, she has no damage fall-off up to 20 meters, making her more effective from a greater range. This glitch means more players might check out the hero over the coming days, which could make this Recall counter to Cassidy worth knowing.

Overwatch 2 is available in early access for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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