
  • Blizzard is cracking down on unauthorized peripherals in Overwatch 2, targeting players who use mouse and keyboard adapters on consoles.
  • Those caught ximming could face penalties ranging from one-week suspensions to permanent account bans in Overwatch 2.
  • To maintain fair play, Blizzard is considering separate ranked queues for console players who legitimately prefer mouse and keyboard setups.

In a moment that's been teased for months, Blizzard recently announced a crackdown on unfair advantages in Overwatch 2 for console players. Senior game producer Adam Massey and lead gameplay engineer Daniel Razza confirmed they're targeting players who use unauthorized peripherals in Overwatch 2. This includes, but may not be limited to, those using mouse and keyboard adapters to play on a console.

While Blizzard's new initiative for Overwatch 2 seems like positive news for console players, it comes with a surprising shift in enforcement. In the past, while Blizzard acknowledged that using unapproved peripherals is a form of cheating, little action was taken against players abusing them. Now, in line with Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct, it seems the developers are finally bringing down the ban hammer for those caught.

Overwatch 2 Player Assigned Rank That Doesn't Actually Exist

An Overwatch 2 player is surprised and confused after being assigned a rank medal that doesn't exist in the competitive shooter.

Blizzard Is Taking Immediate Action Against Unauthorized Peripherals


Ximming in Overwatch Has Been An Issue For Years

The debate over ximming, defined as the act of using a mouse and keyboard without being detected on the console, is far from new. In 2017, Jeff Kaplan, the former game director, addressed these concerns via a forum. He stated, "The Overwatch team objects to the use of mouse and keyboard on console. We've contacted both first-party console manufacturers and expressed our concerns about the use of these peripherals and input conversion devices."

Blizzard's recent blog reveals they've been collecting data on ximming devices while improving their in-game detection system. This data shows significantly higher usage of unauthorized peripherals in high ranks, particularly among Grand Master and Champion players. For players ranked Bronze to Platinum, it appears ximming was much less common.

"Blizzard's recent blog reveals they've been collecting data on ximming devices while improving their in-game detection system."

Notably, even though Overwatch 2 is available on various platforms, the experience differs greatly between console and PC users. Console players get a helping hand with a built-in aim assist, which serves to balance the aim disparity that often comes with using a controller rather than a mouse. Unfortunately, those who use devices that trick a console into thinking the inputs are coming from a controller still benefit from aim assist. When paired against other console players who are genuinely playing on a controller, this gives them an unethical advantage.

Players Caught Ximming in Overwatch 2 Could Have Their Accounts Permanently Banned

Starting last week, Blizzard began penalizing console users it determined to be ximming. The severity of the punishments depends on how often a player is caught using unapproved peripherals, ranging from one-week suspensions from Competitive play to permanent account termination. The number of banned accounts is expected to rise in the coming weeks as Team 4 continues its tirade against the practice, especially when Season 11 releases.

Interestingly, to ensure a level playing field, Blizzard acknowledges that some console players simply prefer to use a mouse and keyboard and don't have any nefarious intent. As such, the developers are proposing a future Overwatch 2 update that would introduce separate ranked queues for console players using these peripherals legitimately. This means mouse and keyboard players would only be matched with others using the same setup, while also avoiding being in the same pool as PC players. However, it's important to note that this feature is still under discussion, and there's no confirmed timeline for its implementation.

Console players joining PC friends in crossplay may still encounter mouse and keyboard users.