Being an arena shooter, Overwatch 2 has a ton going on, and since it plays a lot like the first game, players won't have a hard time adjusting to this game. Even though Overwatch 2 plays the same, there's still a lot going on that makes it stand out from Overwatch. This is great because new players can experience the game as it's supposed to be, and older players can see the game in a new light, which helps enough to make it different. While there's a lot of the same system going on as Overwatch, Blizzard has made some big changes, changes that do impact the meta of the game, which will change how veteran players play.

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But, the new modes and new characters help make the new meta more manageable for older players, and for the newer ones, it's quite accessible. Even though Overwatch 2 on the surface looks and feels like the first game, players will still make mistakes because it plays quite differently. Meaning some characters have been reworked and are no longer what they are, and they're in a different class. This list will give players a clear idea of some common mistakes that they should avoid.

5 Going Ahead Alone

overwatch junkerqueen screaming

This is something that can pretty much hurt a team's progression forward, especially if the team is pushing a payload. One of the new things introduced in Overwatch 2 is rather than a 6 v 6, now it's a 5 v 5, this means fewer heroes are on the field, and the game gets faster. Unless players are using any of the tanks like D.Va, going up alone will not only get players killed faster but will make the team have one less player with them.

However, this rule is hero-dependent, as mentioned before heroes like D.Va can pull this off, but at the same time, a hero like Pharah can do this as well because she's in the air most of the time, and is able to fly in shoot enemies and zip out very fast. But, still, players should understand the risk of going alone, since most heroes need the surrounding team in order to perform well. As mentioned before, Overwatch 2 is 5 v 5, so one downed player is far more evident this time around and does put a dent in the team's progression. So going alone is usually not a good idea, unless the hero can back themselves up

4 Defenders Not Staying On Point

overwatch 2 kirkro using her ultimate

Overwatch 2 is an objective-based game, so kills won't matter, but getting a point and holding until the timer runs out counts as a win. Many players who are DPS, or even attack tanks would wander closer to the enemy's spawn point and attempt to hold them back. While in theory, this would be a great idea, however, Overwatch 2's maps have many hallways, corridors, nooks, and crannies where the enemy team can flank. Making it easier for them to come and take the point back if there are not many players on the point.

Related: Overwatch 2: Easiest Heroes To Play As, Ranked

Staying on point not only keeps the counter going up but the more players that are on the point, the better the defense is. Plus, even if the enemy team flanks them, players and their team can anticipate the attack much better, since all 5 players are in one spot. So, now the healer can heal effectively, the tank can take more damage, and DPS and other high-damage characters can all work in tandem with one another. When this happens, Overwatch 2 shines and shows how teamwork, and playing the objective is far more important than anything else in the match.

3 Playing Too Aggressively

overwatch 2 soilder 76 and lucio helping the robot push

Playing this way can work in certain modes, like capturing the flag, since it encourages players to play in a riskier way. However, just like Overwatch, in the sequel, if players use tanks they can afford to play like this but should still find some balance. Playing this way can hinder the match for players and their team because if they do, they have to fight close to the enemy which can cause players to get ganged up on, and causes them to go down faster. Plus, Overwatch 2 needs players to find balance, because not all the heroes can operate in situations that can get too hot.

So when they do, players can fight in a dynamic way, and their teammates are close by helping out. Balance is a great way of getting into a fluid way to play, once players figure out that part, they are way more helpful on both sides of the match. However, as mentioned before, tanks can combat the stress of playing aggressively, with characters like Orisa, who can hold her own because she's built to fight that way. But at the same time, if players use characters like Orisa, should know they will be targeted more often.

2 Just Using One Type Of Hero

overwatch 2 reinhardt smashing the ground with a bunch or robots around him

The main thing about Overwatch 2 is that each hero offers something unique to them, even though there are classes, each character brings something to the battlefield which makes each session diverse. If players use one type of hero all the time, it can limit their experience, because there are no two maps in Overwatch 2 that play the same. So some heroes will be weaker on certain maps, and stronger on others. If players use the vast and ever-growing roster of heroes in Overwatch 2, they can get better that way, learn all the characters, and in turn, they can be a problem for the other team.

Related: Overwatch 2: Complete Guide to Heroes (And Other Tips and Tricks)

Plus, for every mode, there aren't two of the same characters, so the game does force players to play other heroes, and if they know all the heroes, this won't be an issue at all. However, there are some heroes that can be a one-man army, like Soldier 76, who can heal himself and the team, and run in and out of danger on a whim, which makes him a popular hero. So players may not be able to pick him each time forcing them to play someone else. As mentioned before, if players learn all the characters, they won't really miss him that much.

1 Not Making Calls

overwatch 2 three robots on a street

Overwatch introduced a system where players don't need to talk, if they need to be healed their voice commands for that, and their hero will tell the team they need to be healed. However, just like in the first game, players may forget to use this in Overwatch 2 which can cause them to lose more often. If the team needs one of the best tanks in the game, they can easily ask for that by either talking to the team or using the voice commands. This allows them to easily communicate, and help the team out overall.

If players and their teams go into a ranked game, not making calls will almost make them lose. Because in ranked, a lot more matters, it's easier to strategize with what heroes to use, and how to attack or defend a point if all teammates are on the same page. The best way to do that is by making calls and just communicating. Players and their teams should be always making calls, regardless if their playing ranked or not, it helps the team figure out what needs to happen and also helps players communicate what they want from the team.

Overwatch 2 is free to play on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

More: Overwatch 2: Hilarious Memes About Its Launch Day