Activision Blizzard released a PvP beta for Overwatch 2 last week and fans of the first title have the opportunity to see the key differences coming with the sequel, including new maps and a hero. One Overwatch 2 fan noticed an interesting detail on the new map that includes a rubber duck floating in the middle of a pool.

Reddit user Knife_Birb recently posted a clip of their exploration of one of the new maps introduced in Overwatch 2, Circuit Royal, which was formerly known as Monte Carlo. The player utilizes a custom match in the Overwatch 2 beta in order to explore freely without the stress of competing with other players to finish a PvP match. Knife_Birb uses this freedom to look at the smaller details of Circuit Royal as Blizzard has been known for including hidden objects and Easter eggs in Overwatch maps since the first game's beta.

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Knife_Birb's clip begins with the Overwatch 2 PvP beta player walking around a pool near several deck chairs before they turn to face the pool and a rubber duck floaty in its center. The player starts by shooting at the floatation device as Widowmaker, but after walking across the water to the rubber duck, Knife_Birb discovers that they can stand on the ring while it moves. Taking a seat on the rubber duck floaty, Knife_Birb slowly traverses across the shallow pool while they look at the futuristic city in the background of Circuit Royal.

Blizzard's attention to detail in map design with Overwatch 2 remains consistent with the themes introduced in the first game if Knife_Birb's beta clip is any indicator. Though Overwatch 2 players can use this rubber duck floaty in the Circuit Royal pool, it's currently unclear if it will be used in any strategies with stationary characters like Bastion in Sentry form. Because the Circuit Royal pool is so shallow, Overwatch 2 players won't be able to swim in it, but this rubber duck ring may make up for that missing feature for some players.

Because the Overwatch 2 PvP beta remains ongoing, players may notice other things like the rubber duck in Knife_Birb's video, and more map details are sure to come out when the sequel officially releases. Knife_Birb has stated that they're exploring each of the new Overwatch 2 maps in this way, suggesting that more aspects about Colosseo, Midtown, and Toronto may be shown off too. Although Overwatch 2 players won't be able to swim in the Circuit Royal pool, several fans are celebrating the aesthetic of the poolside area and its natural fit for the Summer Games and other tropical skins.

Overwatch 2 is currently in development.

MORE: What Overwatch 2 Maps Need to Learn from the First Game