Rumors and leaks have been swirling about Overwatch 2, with all signs pointing to Blizzard revealing the long-awaited hero shooter on November 1 at BlizzCon 2019. Multiple leaks have claimed that Overwatch 2 will have a PvE focus and will feature a 4-player co-op campaign, which was recently confirmed by the big ESPN leak. The ESPN leak didn't mention who the playable characters may be in the Overwatch 2 campaign, but an older leak may provide some insight into the matter.

Prior to the big ESPN leak, some of the biggest Overwatch 2 leaks came courtesy of Twitter user Metro_OW, who has posted accurate Overwatch leaks in the past. Metro_OW detailed an Overwatch 2 cinematic that will supposedly be shown at BlizzCon 2019 come November 1. Apparently, the cinematic will feature most of the current Overwatch heroes, but the "main ones" will be a young Genji, Mei, Tracer, and Winston. The Overwatch 2 logo will then appear at the end of the cinematic.

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It's interesting that Blizzard would choose four specific characters to highlight more than the rest of the Overwatch roster, and this could be an indication that they are the four playable heroes for the campaign. However, we must stress that this is just speculation at this time. We don't know much about the Overwatch 2 campaign, and it's possible that it will let players choose any character from the roster. It's also possible that it will have four specific characters for players to choose from, but who are different from the ones listed here.

Luckily, fans won't have to wait too much longer to learn more about Overwatch 2. It's more or less confirmed at this point that Overwatch 2 will be unveiled at BlizzCon 2019. At the event, we should get some clarification about the game's PvE campaign, and who the playable characters will be. Maybe if fans are lucky, we will even get to see actual gameplay of the campaign in action.

In the meantime, it will be interesting to see what else we may learn about Overwatch 2 at BlizzCon 2019. Some rumors have claimed that the new hero Echo will be unveiled, but other rumors have argued against that. We'll find out this coming Friday, November 1.

Overwatch 2 is rumored to be in development for unspecified platforms.

MORE: Rumor Patrol: Everything Leaked About Overwatch 2 So Far