Overwatch 2 is likely still a fair bit away from release, as the game was delayed indefinitely a few months back. When it does finally launch, plenty of eyes will be on its storytelling, as many have grown attached to certain Overwatch heroes and their lore. With Blizzard having so many heroes to juggle, though, some more strategies for storytelling could prove to be beneficial.

Overwatch 2 will likely make use of many of the original game’s approaches when it comes to the evolving narrative. This includes animated shorts, tie-in comics that focus on specific heroes, and in-game conversations that provide insight into the cast’s relationships. However, the sequel could add a few new types of storytelling, both of which have been used extensively in Call of Duty Zombies. With the strategies used in the co-op mode fleshing out a complex multiverse and allowing a decade-long story to be told, they would be perfect for the Overwatch series.

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Audio Logs And Cyphers In Overwatch 2’s Maps

overwatch season 5 delay report

When Call of Duty Zombies first began to introduce a proper storyline, it did so through radios on the map Shi No Numa. Not only did the map bring in proper playable characters instead of generic marines, but the radios helped explain what was going on in the rest of the world. Radios only became more prevalent in Der Riese, providing backstory for the location itself and introducing a focused narrative that brought in a bigger cast of characters.

As Zombies evolved, audio logs remained a crucial part of the experience. Recordings from the original Black Ops game documented Richtofen’s path to insanity, while Call of Duty: Black Ops 2’s audio logs explored the different factions in a post-apocalyptic world. Come Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, audio logs allowed god-like figures such as the Shadowman to communicate with the cast, while Black Ops 4 and Black Ops Cold War both continued the trend of hidden recordings.

No matter how convoluted the Zombies story became, audio recordings were there to give players a way to learn more about the many locations and characters that were integral to the storyline. As Overwatch 2 expands with even more heroes like Sojourn, making sure that each character gets a chance to shine is important. Audio logs can provide development for characters alonside the PvE campaign, comics, and animated shorts.

It is easy to imagine places on maps where audio logs would fit perfectly. In the attacker spawn room of Junkertown, logs for Junkrat and Roadhog could be collected. Route 66’s diner could provide recordings for heroes like Ashe, while the Numbani airport could have audio files that let players hear interactions between Orisa and Efi. Dorado can have Sombra audio logs, King’s Row could have Tracer recordings, and Zenyatta could get some much-needed lore via Nepal collectibles. Just like Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s intel, players could listen to these interesting recordings from the main menu, killing time as they wait to join matches in the sequel.

Hidden cyphers are another thing that should be pulled from Call of Duty Zombies. These puzzles bring the community together to find solutions, and the result has usually been a juicy teaser about a future map or a character’s possible fate. Overwatch 2 could introduce the same kinds of puzzles, scattering them around maps and letting the community put the pieces together. Once solved, the fan base could learn about an upcoming map or get confirmation on the next hero that will get a dedicated event. While the Sombra ARG was divisive, the frustration only came because of how long it went on, with many enjoying the puzzle-solving that happened early on.

While Overwatch 2’s PvE campaign is exciting for those that want more time with their favorite heroes, it seems unlikely that 30+ characters will get the same amount of time in the spotlight. As such, the heroes that take a backseat in the story mode would benefit from some CoD Zombies-like audio logs. With complex puzzles allowing the community to come together in a new way, too, Call of Duty Zombies’ unique style of storytelling could prove just as effective for the Overwatch franchise.

Overwatch 2 is in development for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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