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Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person hero shooter made by Blizzard, with objective-based gameplay, with different game modes to choose from, like Arcade and Ranked. Recently, Overwatch received an update, evolving into Overwatch 2. The game's hero roster has been increased, adding a new character to each of the three roles: DPS, Tank, and Support. The game has also been rebalanced, with team sizes decreasing from six to five, with only one Tank on each team.

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Luckily, Brigitte is on hand to cover some Tank/Support hybrid ground. She is a great secondary support pick that allows players to shield their team, and deal some damage while passively healing her team. Though her kit may seem easy to play, she is definitely hard to master. This guide will provide everything players may need to know regarding Brigitte's abilities and how to effectively them.

Updated on October 10, 2022: This Overwatch 2 guide for how to play Brigitte has been updated to give players more information. Brigitte can be a great secondary healer for any team, but she does not always suit every team composition, and she is not invincible. Therefore, there is now a section on the best heroes that synergize with Brigitte and a section on who she can counter, and who she is weak against in a match-up. These new sections should give players a better idea of when Brigitte is a good choice.

Brigitte's Playstyle in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, Brigitte posing in eichenwalde

Since her introduction into Overwatch, Brigitte has unofficially been considered a Tank/Support hybrid. She has more HP than a standard Support, as she has 200 health, 50 armor, and a shield to keep her and her team well-protected from enemy fire. Overwatch 2 has seen some slight changes to Brigitte's kit. She can no longer stun enemies with her Shield Bash, which was previously useful to cancel some ultimate abilities when timed correctly.

With the lack of shields now in the game, Brigitte's shield is a welcome sight for her team. She can be either played upfront with the Tank or used to peel for her fellow support and her DPS allies. Her Whip Shot ability also excels at keeping enemies at bay while providing passive healing for her team. With her shield, Brigitte can mitigate damage for her team, which prevents the enemy from charging their ultimate ability as quickly.

Brigitte's Abilities

Overwatch 2

Rocket Flail & Barrier Shield

Brigitte's Rocket Flail is a melee weapon with a slightly extended range, similar to Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer. It can hit multiple enemies when the player presses primary fire. Shield Barrier will be lifted as Brigitte's alt-fire, and shield her and any allies behind her for 250 damage before it is destroyed. When broken, it will take five seconds to regenerate.

Inspire (passive)

Inspire is Brigitte's primary form of healing. Inspire automatically heals her allies over time, provided they are within a 20-meter radius of her. Inspire activates whenever Brigitte hits an enemy with her Rocket Flail, so dealing damage is actually a requirement for Brigitte.

Repair Pack

Repair Packs can be used to heal Brigitte's allies when they push further ahead outside Inspire's radius. Repair Packs heal allies at a range for a short duration, and Brigitte gets three charges of this, with a six-second cooldown between each charge. Players should ensure they always have at least one charge at the ready in case of any healing emergencies.

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Whip Shot

Whip Shot is a long-distance flail throw, which can be focused on one enemy. It will do some slight damage, but it is useful for knocking away and displacing enemies.

Shield Bash

Shield Bash can be activated when Barrier Shield is deployed. It will cause Brigitte to dash forward and can block incoming damage. It can also be used as a movement ability to escape danger or to rush towards the fight.

Rally (Ultimate)

Rally is Brigitte's Ultimate ability and allows Brigitte to move faster and provide extra armor and health for her allies. Her ultimate lasts for 10 seconds, and the extra armor will be available for an additional 30 seconds. It is best used aggressively before an actual team fight to bolster her teammates and make them tankier with the bonus armor. Her ultimate also provides her teammates with extra health known as overhealth, which will appear as a green bar on a character's HP.

Tips And Tricks For Brigitte In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, Brigitte

Brigitte will always be a frontline Support, leading the charge with her Tank, and her potential lies in her aggressive frontline playstyle, as players will need to be dealing consistent damage to keep her healing up. She is best played on maps with small corridors, as she can deal more damage in cramped spaces. Rocket Flail is great for displacing enemies that get too close, and players should always aim to try and knock enemies off the map if they are able to do so.

Shield Bash can be used either offensively or defensively; it can be used as an escape out of difficulty situations or to get back to the rest of her team. It needs to be used to increase Brigitte's survivability, but it needs to be used wisely, as it leaves Brigitte vulnerable when it is on cooldown.

Since Brigitte has a shield and a method for defending herself, she works exceptionally well with many members in the DPS role. Her Repair Packs are also great for any flankers on her team, like Tracer, Genji, and Reaper, as she can provide them with some long-distance assistance while they are harassing the enemy team.


Overwatch 2, Brigitte
  • Reinhardt

Brigitte can be played aggressively with Reinhardt and keep the pace up with him, and their melee weapons combo well together. Brigitte can use Rally to supply some extra armor prior to Reinhardt's Earthshatter to ensure they have some extra protection

  • Reaper

As they are both close-range heroes, Brigitte can follow Reaper when brawling with the enemy team to deal massive amounts of damage while giving Reaper extra healing alongside his self-healing passive. If she is close enough, she can somewhat protect him with her Shield Barrier when he is using Death Blossom.

RELATED: Overwatch 2: Best Support Heroes

  • Mercy
  • Moira

Since Brigitte's healing can be inconsistent and her Repair Packs are limited, she is best paired with main healers like Ana, Mercy, or Moira. Brigitte can be a bodyguard to these Supports, protecting them from enemy flankers. If friendly Mercy is going for a resurrection, Brigitte can use her shield to soak up any damage.

  • Zarya

Brigitte can serve as a secondary Tank to Zarya; Zarya can put her Projected Barrier on Brigitte when her shield is lowered to soak up damage, gain Energy and charge up her Particle Cannon. Brigitte can also Rally in preparation for an aggressive push with Zarya's Graviton Surge.

Advantages & Counters

Overwatch 2, Brigitte
  • D.Va

Thanks to Inspire's gradual healing and D.Va's minimal damage, Brigitte can easily handle herself against a D.Va in a 1-v-1 duel. Brigitte can use her Shield Barrier to completely negate D.Va's Micro Missiles, rendering them useless. Brigitte can harass D.Va until her mech is destroyed and easily go in for the kill once she has ejected due to baby D.Va's low HP.

  • Genji

Genji cannot deflect any of Brigitte's abilities, and Brigitte players should punish him using their Rocket Flail if he is within their reach.

  • Symmetra

Players can easily use their Rocket Flail to take out any of Symmetra's Sentry Turrets with a single swing.

  • Tracer

Due to her low base health, Tracer is one of Brigitte's easier targets, especially since she is quite a close-range fighter. She might be tough to catch due to her Blinks, but if Brigitte keeps swinging, she can take her out.

  • Lucio

With a well-timed Whip Shop, Brigitte can knock a Lucio off his wall-riding position, bringing him to the ground. Since Lucio's kit relies on AoE healing and being close to his team, she can also use Whip Shot to disrupt his positioning and make him useless.

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The best counters against Brigitte are high-mobility DPS and ranged firepower. She is designed to be in the middle of combat and fight upfront, so any heroes shooting from a distance can easily shred her shields and leave her defenseless. These are the five main heroes that Brigitte should watch out for:

  • Hanzo

Hanzo is a long-ranged DPS that can easily break Brigitte's Shield Barrier from a comfortable distance while she is powerless to do anything to stop him. He has great mobility, with his Wall Climb passive and Leap to evade her Rocket Flail with ease. He can also kill her with a single headshot if her Shield Barrier is lowered or broken.

  • Bastion

Bastion is one of the highest damage-dealing DPS in Overwatch 2 and can easily smash through her shield and kill her almost instantaneously. Brigitte players should avoid engaging with a Bastion at all costs.

  • Junkrat
  • Pharah

Pharah is especially dangerous as she specializes in aerial combat, so Brigitte cannot reach her with her Rocket Flail. Pharah, with a Mercy damage-boosting her, easily has the capacity to shred Brigitte's shield or displace her from the rest of her team using Concussive Shot. If Brigitte uses Rally to enable her team to advance, Pharah can easily sneak behind and rain death from above with Barrage, as it quickly shreds through Rally's restorative abilities.

  • Sombra

Sombra is a threat to any hero with a shield, as her Hack renders them unable to utilize their shields, leaving them vulnerable and open to enemy fire. Sombra's Hack takes away all of Brigitte's abilities except her Rocket Flail for five seconds, temporarily ruining her viability.

Overwatch 2 is free-to-play in Early Access on PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.