Overwatch 2 features many heroes that players are able to choose from. Since each hero is significantly unique on their own, they each have their own set of just-as-unique weapons. The weapons themselves are part of the foundation of what makes a hero, so it's important for a hero to have a weapon that is special, efficient, and fun to use.

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Unlike most other FPS games, Overwatch 2's various weapons aren't all just a selection of firearms, rather there are other weapons that heroes utilize. There's Kiriko's kunai, Hanzo's Bow, Genji's shurikens, and even Widowmaker's rifle all stand out significantly unique. These weapons are part of what makes Overwatch 2 so special within the FPS genre.

10 Widow's Kiss

Overwatch Widowmaker

Widowmaker is known to be one of the few snipers in Overwatch 2. Arguably, among players, she is the best sniper, since her rifle can eliminate some heroes with one headshot. Her weapon of choice, is a rifle that in its base form, is a regular assault-rifle.

Holding down the secondary fire (aim trigger) will cause the weapon to quickly transform into a sniper-rifle, dealing incredible damage with one single shot. Widow's Kiss is significant in the fact that the weapon has two different forms of fire, allowing Widowmaker to use the weapon as fit in her situation.

9 Hanzo's Bow


The sound of arrows flying by a player's character is a sound many will hear when playing against a Hanzo. Hanzo is the only character to wield a bow in Overwatch 2, and understandably so. Why use a bow when there are futuristic weapons that seem more beneficial?

Hanzo proves the bow to be a very efficient weapon though. His arrows, like Widow's Kiss, can eliminate some heroes with one shot. He also has two different arrows: The sonic arrow, which allows Hanzo to see enemy's locations in an area, and the storm arrows, which let Hanzo fire five arrows with rapid succession.

8 Moira's Biotic Grasp

Overwatch 2, Moira, Support

Moira is a supporter of high controversy in the Overwatch community. Her main weapon, Biotic Grasp, allows her to quickly heal her allies nearby, and also deal damage with a draining beam that subtly locks into an enemy. This draining attack also heals Moira, so it makes for a very parasitic weapon.

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The Biotic Grasp stands so unique in design, based on the canon that Moira, as a mad scientist, utilizes her intelligence to create turn herself into a biotic weapon. One of her arms is dedicated to a healing mist, while the other focuses on draining the life out of her enemies.

7 Sonic Amplifier


Lucio is a hero who stands out to be themed around sound. Sound is what seems to be Lucio's main aspect of healing, as well as doing damage, and thus, he uses the Sonic Amplifier. The Sonic Amplifier utilizes sound waves to do damage to enemies.

The sound waves shoot from the amplifier in a circular form dealing rhythmic damage. Lucio's Sonic Amplifier can help knock enemies back with a large sound wave. The Sonic Amplifier is one-of-a-kind, and no other hero utilizes a weapon that could compare in design with Lucio's weapon of choice.

6 Endothermic Blaster

mei splash art

Mei's Endothermic Blaster is definitely reminiscent to any cold weapon utilized by ice-themed characters, like Mr. Freeze. The Endothermic Blaster's primary fire shoots an icy spray that slows enemies down while dealing damage to them.

The blaster also has another feature though; it has the ability to shoot icicles meant for long-distance combat. The icicle spears deal lots of damage, and is extremely critical when it comes to headshots. The Endothermic Blaster, when utilized to its full potential, is a very deadly weapon.

5 Rocket Hammer


Reinhardt uses a large hammer to devastate his enemies rather than a projectile-based weapon. He's one of the few heroes that utilize melee weapons within their move set, and one of the even fewer ones that has a melee weapon as their main source of damage. Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer deals immense damage, in retrospect that he must be at close-range.

The hammer sends enemies flying upon their elimination, making for scenic battles where Reinhardt is tanking through enemy lines. The Rocket Hammer does have one projectile, where it unleashes a horizontal blast towards enemies.

4 Hyperspheres


The Hyperspheres that Sigma utilizes works hand-in-hand with his ability to manipulate gravity, since they are in relation to weaponized gravity. Sigma launches these spheres in bursts of two, and they explode shortly after. WIth an incredibly unique design alone, it also makes for unique gameplay strategies.

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Sigma can launch the spheres to bounce around cover, or corners. This means he can damage and even eliminate enemies who are hidden from him. The Hyperspheres are significant to the story of Sigma, and significant to eliminating the enemy team.

3 Orbs Of Destruction

Zenyatta Orbs of Harmony and Destruction

Zenyatta utilizes various orbs to maximize his move set to its full potential. The Orbs of Destruction are Zenyatta's main weapon, where he sends out a flying orb to deal damage to his enemies. Players can also hold secondary fire to chare the amount of orbs he sends out, dealing more damage to one or multiple enemies.

These orbs also work with Zenyatta's two other abilities: The Orbs of Harmony, and The Orbs of Discord. The Orbs of Harmony heal allies, while The Orbs of Discord increases the damage an enemy takes from your teammates.

2 The Scrapgun

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Roadhog uses his Scrapgun, derived of the Wasteland, as a spread-weapon to devastate his foes. It's similar to a shotgun, but has multiple uses. The Scrapgun's primary fire utilizes a shorter range spread of bullets, while its secondary fire is more medium-range focused.

The weapon itself, apocalyptically aesthetic as it is, has incredible situational efficiency. In different scenarios, Roadhog can utilize the Scrapgun to deal the most damage he can. His Hook also gives the Scrapgun an easy elimination. Overall, the Scrapgun is a fierce weapon that tears away at its incautious enemies.

1 Echo's Weapon

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Echo uniquely doesn't utilize a usual weapon like a gun or hammer, but rather just uses her energy powers. Echo uses her futuristic robot hand to launch energetic projectiles at enemy heroes. Her main attack, is her Tri-Shot. She shoots out three projectiles, that launch in the shape of a triangle.

As the shot goes further, each projectile spread further from the other. If all the energetic pellets hit though, it can deal great damage. One of her abilities also uses her weaponized hand to launch a beam of energy. The beam deals even more damage to enemies that are already below half health, finishing them off quickly.

Overwatch 2 is available to play for free on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.\

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