Overwatch 2 has always had an interesting approach to lore and storytelling, as Blizzard is limited by the actual multiplayer gameplay not being canon to the story. The fights players have over payloads and control points do not impact the overarching narrative at all, which makes sense since players can have sworn enemies like Reaper and Soldier 76 on the same team. Alongside comics, animated shorts, and PvE content, Blizzard instead opts to reflect its heroes’ stories and personalities through in-game dialogue.

Just like in the original game, the start of every Overwatch 2 match sees a few of the characters conversing. During these sections, players can hear about Kiriko and Genji’s goofy haircuts from when they were younger, listen to Junker Queen threaten Sojourn, or hear a funny line about Hanzo wanting to ride Orisa into battle. While players will hear certain conversations often since some heroes are extra popular or key to the current meta, a few memorable bits of dialogue have rare unlock conditions.

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Overwatch 2’s Best Lines of Dialogue That Come With Unique Conditions

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Overwatch 2 players looking for a fun line of dialogue can try building an entire team of female characters, with Junker Queen needing to be the group's Tank. If done correctly, she will say “alright ladies, let’s teach these boys a lesson.” Given the large variety of male and female characters, getting an all-woman team comp with Junker Queen as the Tank does not happen often, so it is cool to see Blizzard adding dialogue for such a rare occurrence.

Another great line demands an even more specific lineup, as Overwatch 2 fans will need to get a team set up that has no gun-wielding characters. Reinhardt also needs to be the leader of the group, as he will remark that “maybe at least one of us should have a gun.” For those looking to trigger this funny line, a team comp of Reinhardt, Kiriko, Zenyatta, Genji, and Hanzo will work.

Yet another unique line can be heard for those that love Pharah, as the rocket queen will say “rockets, bombs, sonic tech, and… Reinhardt? Guess we’re going in loud.” if a specific lineup is selected. The team in question would be Pharah herself, Junkrat, Lucio, and Reinhardt, with the other support not impacting the dialogue. Considering that Pharah and Sombra have a unique interaction, too, Blizzard clearly had a lot of fun crafting lines for Pharah fans.

One good line requires Mercy and self-healers like Roadhog, Reaper, Soldier 76, and Kiriko, as she says that “everyone on this team can heal themselves! This should be easy!” The outlaw Ashe will have a memorable quote if she is surrounded by do-gooders, with the Deadlock Gang leader saying “look at all these good samaritans, Bob. Do we really fit in?” Lastly, if Torbjorn, Reinhardt, and Ana are together, Junkrat will shout “how many of you people are missing an eye!?," which is a terrific nod to a shared trait in their character designs.

With dialogue that is also specific to Overwatch 2’s maps being included in the voice line collection as well, it is clear that Blizzard put some thought into what its characters say. Fortunately, there are fans like Doffen (who discovered the all-female team dialogue) that are sharing the rare lines they have come across. While rare lines are a small detail that many might not appreciate, having so much dialogue means that players could stumble across some new lines every time they play, which is a good thing since some gamers will put hundreds of hours into Blizzard’s hero shooter. As the lineup of maps, modes, and characters continues to grow, hopefully well-hidden conversations will continue to be added to the mix.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: YouTube