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Overwatch 2 brings in a few changes to the support line-up. Something players will need to consider now, going forward, is the lack of a second tank player. This means supports will be even more at the mercy of enemy DPS flankers and will have to play somewhat conservatively.

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It also means that supports with excellent self-peel will reign supreme, even with the self-healing passive that all supports will benefit from. Though the meta and the playstyle of Overwatch 2 are still somewhat up for debate, this early ranking of the five best supports in Overwatch 2 should give players an idea of what to pick up as they dive into 5v5 and competitive gameplay.

This ranking is based on the early gameplay of Overwatch 2 . It's likely that this list will change over time as the meta changes and the balance shifts.

5 Ana

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Ana is a strong pick from Overwatch 1, and in Overwatch 2, she continues to be a pretty good choice, even though there's now a counter to her in the game in the form of Kiriko, who can cleanse her anti-heal. Still, with only one tank around, Ana's capability to anti-heal will have even more power and potential going forward.

What makes her great is also her sleep dart, one of the best skill-based stuns in the game that will put a target to sleep. Players should keep this dart as their first line of defense against flankers, which will allow them to stun any enemies on them and wait for the support passive to kick in or for their second support to come and peel for them.

Ana's ultimate Nano Boost is still excellent when paired with Genji's Dragonblade for example, and it can also be used to save other teammates or peel for a second support in a pinch.

4 Baptiste


Baptiste's role in Overwatch 1 was quite strong thanks to his Immortality Field, and that role will continue to be somewhat prevalent. Although compositions won't be as bunkery as the multi-shield compositions from Overwatch 1 used to be with double tanks, Baptiste's ability to grant temporary immortality is still a massive boon.

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On top of that, his high jump allows him to be a bit more mobile than Ana for example, with the ability to reach high grounds and evade flankers. His Healing Burst is a great top-off for teammates and is less necessary for him to use it on himself now that he benefits from the support passive.

The only downside with Baptiste is his ultimate, the Amplification Matrix, which might be harder to get the most out of in Overwatch 2's more fast-paced and fluid gameplay. In certain maps, it can be used as a way to force the enemy back or to take cover, and for Baptiste's team to push forward, rather than as a damage ultimate.

3 Brigitte

overwatch blizzard brigitte

Since supports won't receive as much peel from tanks in Overwatch 2, supports like Brigitte will be key in keeping the backline in check. Although she has lost her ability to stun targets with her Shield Bash, she's fantastic at pushing enemy flankers away with her shield and whip shot.

Brigitte shines in Overwatch 2's fast-paced compositions because she can top off players across the battlefield and heal everyone around her with her armor packs (which don't provide armor, for those who are returning). She's a fantastic babysitter, and her ultimate Rally provides the team with additional health known as overhealth, which will appear as green bars on a character's HP.

She's definitely one of those supports that will need a good second pairing to be useful. Characters that are symbiotic with her are Lucio and Zenyatta, but she can also work well with Ana or Mercy.

2 Lucio


Lucio has been a staple in the franchise for years, and that won't change in Overwatch 2 where he still brings in one of the most powerful tools a team can have: speed. He can switch between healing and speed, allowing him to match the team's needs and pace easily at a moment's notice.

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Lucio is also highly mobile with his wall-skating ability, making him difficult to kill. This makes him a fantastic and aggressive support hero if his own backline isn't in need of much peeling. Stationary DPS heroes like Widowmaker will definitely have to watch out for Lucios.

His ultimate Sound Barrier is one of the best defensive ultimates in the game and can negate a significant amount of incoming damage. When setting up a team, he's an easy pick for those who desperately need an answer for a powerful enemy ultimate.

1 Kiriko

Overwatch 2 Kiriko

The newest addition to the support hero pool is Kiriko, an extremely mobile and powerful support hero that will likely dominate in Overwatch 2's initial meta. Although Kiriko's healing output through her Healing Ofuda isn't the greatest due to their slow travel time, she can teleport through walls to her allies at a moment's notice thanks to Swift Step and climb walls, making her an uncatchable support.

One of the highlights of Kiriko's kit is her Protection Suzu, which is a cleanse-type ability. It can remove various negative effects like anti-heal and also makes anyone under its effect immortal for a short time period. This is absolutely huge, given it has a shorter cooldown than Baptiste's Immortality Field, and when timed right can be a massive help.

Her ultimate is called Kitsune Rush and provides players not only a powerful speed boost similar to Lucio's but also an increased rate of fire for their weapons. This is the perfect ultimate for a highly mobile composition that wants to rush in, dive in and do a lot of damage. And speaking of damage, Kiriko has that, too, in the form of her kunai that can deal some serious damage.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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