
  • Overwatch 2 Season 10 brings exciting new features and game modes, but competitive ladder ranks remain largely the same, emphasizing the need to grind.
  • Ashe, Sigma, Mauga, Cassidy, Lúcio, Moira, Orisa, Tracer, Kiriko, and Sojourn are highlighted for their strengths and abilities in different compositions.
  • Each hero brings unique qualities, from Ashe’s AoE damage to Mauga’s lifesteal, allowing players to strategize and excel in competitive gameplay.

With the release of Season 10 in Overwatch 2, many new features and new alternate universe game modes have come into play, and players have been excited to try out these new aspects of Overwatch. However, the competitive ladder stays the same, and the ranks players reached last season have remained the same this time around, meaning it's important to try to get back on the grind.

Overwatch 2: Best Team Comps You Should Try

Overwatch 2 has a meta that constantly changes, with new heroes interfering with the norm. Yet, with these comps, players are in for a victory.

Some heroes are much better than others, and with the Season 10 Patch Notes not changing much at all, it is quite predictable which Heroes have remained strong and who is best suited to climb the competitive ladder.

10 Ashe

The Deadlock Gang Leader Can Deal Some Good AoE Damage

Ashe And Bob Overwatch 2
  • Ashe deals consistent long-range damage and good AoE damage with Dynamite
  • Best suited in a Poke composition
  • BOB is a team-fight-winning ultimate

Ashe and her beloved Omnic companion, BOB, are quite the dynamic duo. Her ultimate sends him out onto the battlefield, and he is a force to be reckoned with. He demands target prioritization from the enemy team or the use of some crowd-control ability like Ana's Sleep Dart.

On top of this, Ashe herself puts out some solid damage. Her weapon can 4-shot at range, and her Dynamite can deal great AoE while also applying the heal-reducing Damage passive to all those affected, making her a good pick for people confident in their aim.

9 Sigma

The Talon Physicist Can Deal A Ton Of Damage

villain sigma overwatch sigma accretion ability
  • Consistent long-range damage output
  • Excels in Poke comps
  • Great ultimate

Sigma is quite a challenging hero and may take some time to get used to. Still, once players get to grips with his kit, they can easily dominate lobbies, keeping enemies at bay with his Hyperspheres and Accretion rock or decimating teams with his Gravitic Flux.

Overwatch 2: 23 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked

These Overwatch 2 characters can be tricky to play as effectively, especially for beginners.

Sigma also has some defensive capabilities. His Experimental Barrier is invaluable in defending himself and his team and can be placed in strategic locations. On top of this, his Kinetic Grasp can provide him with a ton of over-health, making him much more survivable.

8 Mauga

Lifesteal And Crowd-Control Immunity Make Mauga Very Powerful

Harsh Nerfs Incoming for Controversial Overwatch 2 Hero Mauga
  • Lifesteal and high damage mean Mauga is a great duelist and brawler
  • Best suited in Brawl and Rush compositions
  • Crowd-control immunity has a lot of utility

Mauga is practically unkillable in the right scenario. His base health and armor, combined with his ability to gain lifesteal and generate over-health on precision damage make him incredibly hard to take down, especially when he is being pocketed by a high-healing Support like Moira or Baptiste.

His ultimate is no slouch, either. The ability to trap the enemy Tank or multiple members of the enemy team in an enclosed area blocked off from healing from their Supports can quickly turn the tide of a losing fight, making Mauga a threatening presence on the battlefield.

7 Cassidy

The Cowboy Gunslinger Is A Consistent Pick

  • Consistent damage
  • Solid range
  • Easy to play

Cassidy is the definition of a consistent option. Entirely aim-based, he fits well with any player that has good mechanical aim skills. Even though Blizzard is considering a rework for him, the fundamentals of his Peacekeeper will likely stay the same.

While Cassidy's ultimate isn't too strong, his hindering grenade is powerful, as it directly counters many heroes with mobility. Heroes like Tracer, Doomfist, or Wrecking Ball all have a miserable time against Cassidy, making him not only a consistent duelist but also a potential counter-pick against oppressive Heroes.

6 Lúcio

One Of The Most Versatile Heroes In The Game Thanks To Speed Boost

  • Speed boost and Amp It Up can dictate the pace of a fight
  • Sound Barrier is incredibly strong
  • Best fits in Brawl, Rush, and Dive compositions

Lúcio is quite a simple character on paper, but he can get complicated when players start combining each part of his varied kit. However, in competitive, Lúcio shines as he is such a versatile hero. Being able to give every person on the team a speed boost is invaluable, and players should take advantage of it.

Overwatch 2: 15 Easiest Heroes To Play As, Ranked

Overwatch 2 has plenty of heroes to choose from, starting at 35 different characters with more to come, and these are some of the easier ones to play

Furthermore, Lúcio has the potential to secure a good number of kills too. On environmental maps, in particular, he shines as he can use his Soundwave to push enemies off the edge of the cliff, instantly killing them.

5 Moira

Incredibly High Healing Makes Moira Invaluable In Competitive

  • Remarkably high healing output
  • Good survivability
  • Brilliant ultimate

Moira might be one of the simplest heroes in the entire game, but she is also one of the most potent thanks to her ridiculously high healing output and her ability to sustain herself against many damage heroes thanks to her Fade and lifesteal from Biotic Grasp. If played correctly, it is very easy to end up with upwards of 2000 healing per minute on Moira.

On top of this, Moira's ultimate, Coalescence, is one of the best ultimates in the entire game as it not only builds incredibly fast but also heals multiple targets for upwards of 100 healing per second, making it a brilliant ultimate to use in a clumped up team-fight.

4 Orisa

The Defender Of Numbani Is Very Tough To Kill

Overwatch 2 Orisa Cover Pose
  • Excellent range
  • Incredibly tough to kill, thanks to her cooldowns
  • Good crowd-control with her Javelin

Orisa is another incredibly easy hero, but she is wildly strong right now, particularly when solo queuing in competitive, as it takes quite a lot of coordinated fire to take her down. With her Fortify reducing incoming damage, her Spear Spin negating all incoming projectiles, and her Javelin being able to keep enemies at bay, she's quite the unstoppable force.

She also counters many of the powerful Tank options. Due to her javelin, she is incredibly strong against Tanks like Doomfist or Wrecking Ball, and she can even compete with Mauga by keeping him at bay with her range.

3 Tracer

Tracer Is One Of The Most Flexible Heroes In The Game

Overwatch Tracer
  • Tracer's Blinks make her incredibly versatile
  • Her Pulse Bomb builds incredibly quickly
  • She best fits in Dive compositions but can be played in almost any composition

Tracer is one of the harder heroes in Overwatch 2, but she is worth learning as a Damage player due to her flexibility. Due to her survival, she can fit into almost any situation. Her mobility to be aggressive and Recall's availability as a get-out-of-jail-free card make her very powerful.

Overwatch 2: 11 Best Female Heroes

Diverse and interesting, Overwatch 2's roster of female heroes is quite commendable, with the following characters standing out the most.

Her Pulse Bomb is also incredibly deadly. It charges very quickly and guarantees a kill (or an important Support cooldown) if stuck, making her an excellent character all around.

2 Kiriko

Teleportation, Cleansing, And High Burst Damage Make Kiriko Amazing

kiriko, genji, and doomfist fighting in ow2
  • Incredibly survivable
  • Can put out some good burst damage
  • Kitsune Rush is an incredible ultimate

Kiriko is one of the most popular heroes in the game, evidenced by her extensive skin collection. However, her popularity is also a byproduct of her raw strength. Her Swift Step and Protective Suzu are some of the most powerful abilities in the game and can drastically alter the course of a team fight.

Her ability to massively chunk enemies down with precision hits from her Kunai is also invaluable when trying to burst down a high-priority target like an enemy Support. Her ultimate, Kitsune Rush, is also brilliant as it can dictate the tempo of many fights.

1 Sojourn

Sojourn's Raw Damage Can't Be Competed With

  • Great pick potential with her Railgun
  • Very long-range, making her great at pressuring the enemy
  • Incredibly powerful ultimate

Sojourn is easily the best hero to climb within the competitive playlist. No hero in the game can match her lethality while also retaining some level of safety thanks to her Power Slide, allowing her to either take aggressive angles and escape or slide to chase targets down.

Sojourn's ultimate, Overclock, is also amazing as it lets her deal a staggering amount of damage, allowing her to take down entire teams, especially when Nano-Boosted, making her one of the hardest heroes to play against.

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Overwatch 2

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October 4, 2022