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Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter game with objective-based gameplay where players compete against one another in teams in multiple game modes such as Deathmatch, Control, and Assault. Recently, Overwatch received a massive update, evolving the game to its sequel, Overwatch 2, which launched free-to-play for consoles and PC. The already massive roster of the game was increased, and characters were tweaked and balanced for the new era of the game.

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The characters in Overwatch 2 are separated between roles; while each character is capable of varying play styles, some succeed in areas that others do not. As DPS, it's essential to have the capabilities of dishing the most damage possible; here are some of the best DPS heroes in Overwatch 2.

6 Roadhog

Hilarious Overwatch Clip Shows Roadhog Killing Soldier 76 Before Match Even Begins

Roadhog is a dastardly villain in Overwatch’s story, famous for his vile and cruel nature and ruthless behavior toward his targets. While Roadhog’s role in Overwatch 2 is a Tank, he is more than capable of dishing out nuke damage and instantly draining a target's health to zero in the blink of an eye.

Roadhog has three abilities that he uses in combination that make him more than just a wall on the battlefield; Roadhog initiates his combo by grabbing and pulling a target with his hooked chain, once close Roadhog fires off a shot of shrapnel from his scrap gun that causes heavy damage or activates his ultimate ability to rapidly fire off projectiles. Not many heroes in the game can survive the deadly string of attacks.

5 Soldier 76

Soldier 76

Soldier 76 is a tactically trained soldier that weaves through the battlefield with speed and precision while shredding enemy heroes apart with his advanced pulse rifle. Within Overwatch’s story, Soldier 76 is on a mission of revenge against the individuals responsible for taking out his organization and his friends.

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Soldier 76 can deal a steady stream of damage relatively quickly; with his spirit skill, he can keep up with and outmaneuver many heroes in the roster and spray them with powerful shots from his rifle. In addition, Soldier 76 has access to Helix Rockets, hard-hitting bursts of projectiles that explode on impact; this ability, paired with his ultimate, which allows him to lock on to enemies, makes him especially dangerous.

4 Genji

Incredible Overwatch Clip Shows Genji Deflecting Ana's Grenade from Across the Map

Genji is a dangerous threat in Overwatch 2 that can wipe out multiple targets with proper ability use and positioning. After a life of crime, Genji sought to change himself and now fights for justice with his cybernetic upgrades, deadly shuriken, and razor-sharp Wakizashi that he can cut health bars down to size with.

Genji can rapid fire shuriken projectiles and shred apart opponents' health and shields easily; his cyber agility makes it hard to pin him down, giving him the advantage when overwhelming a target. Additionally, Genji’s swift strike ability can throw him into the fray to secure a kill, and his deflect ability can keep him safe for a time when he is positioned poorly while still dealing moderate damage. Genji’s versatility makes him a perfect pick for DPS.

3 Widowmaker

Widowmaker Overwatch

The cold-blooded assassin, Widowmaker knows no remorse for any target downrange of her sniper rifle; a ruthless individual that envelopes' precision can take down an entire team before they even know what hit them. Widowmaker has a high skill threshold but can be more than just a menace on the battlefield while picking off solos from a distance. Widowmaker’s weapon specializes in ranged combat; when scoped, it can be charged to increase damage.

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However, if losing the range game, the gun can also be fired full auto for mid-ranged combat. Widowmaker has a few gadgets to help her control the battlefield; with her grappling hook, she can outmaneuver enemies, and with her Venom mines, she can shut down flankers or targets that get too close. Widowmaker can also buff the team with her ultimate and grant vision for a short duration.

2 Reaper

reaper overwatch new skin

Reaper is the resident BBEG of Overwatch 2 and wears that title adequately, being one of the most dangerous heroes on the roster. The shrouded terrorist is opposite Soldier 76, while still out for revenge but with much more sinister motivations; with deadly power, Reaper zips in and out of enemy blind spots and turns them into swiss-cheese with his double shotguns.

Reaper has several abilities that make him a perfect flanker, most notably the ability to heal when damaging enemies, which helps with his sustain. In addition, Reapers Shadow Step allows him to teleport around the map, keeping enemies on their toes, while his wraith form protects him from damage when he overextends. Reaper also possesses an extremely volatile ultimate ability called Death Blossom, which fires off all cylinders of his shotguns and hits all heroes within a radius.

1 Junkrat


Junkrat is an internationally wanted criminal that has had his hands in all sorts of evil deeds and catastrophic events. Many seek his capture to raid his horde's stash of pristine and rare items. Junkrat excels at DPS with his wide variety of crowd-controlling and negative effect traps that he can scatter around the battlefield.

Additionally, Junkrat excels at creating unsafe environments and choke-points for enemy players to be lured into; his various traps, such as Steel Trap and Concussion Minds, succeed in dealing heavy damage while Junkrat pelts his targets with grenades from his launcher. Enemies of Junkrat aren't even safe when Junkrat dies as he leaves behind an explosive surprise in the form of several grenades. Junkrats ultimate ability is an explosive flaming tire he rolls onto the battlefield to damage large groups caught in a tight area heavily.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

More: Overwatch 2 Review